The PGA Tour announced Friday that players Vince India and Jake Staiano have been temporarily suspended from all activities associated with the organization. Both players play on the Korn Ferry Tour and were found responsible for betting on prohibited events.
The information was disclosed on the social media profiles of the circuit through an official note.
According to the same, the bets made by India and Staiano correspond to tournaments in which they did not participate:
In the official note informing the decision, we can read the following:
"Korn Ferry Tour members Vince India and Jake Staiano have been suspended for violating the PGA Tour Integrity Program. Both players placed bets on PGA TOUR competitions, however neither player bet on tournaments in which he was a participant."
The note added:
"India is suspended from PGA Tour-sanctioned competition for six months. His suspension began on September 18, 2023 and is through March 17, 2024."
It concludes:
"Staiano is suspended from PGA TOUR-sanctioned competition for three months. His suspension began on September 11, 2023 and is through December 10, 2023."
Although golf is a sport that has long been associated with betting, it is only legal for fans. The Tour Integrity Program warns all Tour players to refrain from betting on events sanctioned or co-sanctioned by the PGA circuit.
This prohibition extends to affiliated circuits, such as the Korn Ferry Tour, to which Vince India and Jake Staiano belong.
Who are the PGA Tour-sanctioned players, Vince India and Jake Staiano?
Vince India, 34, turned pro in 2011. He has played most of his career on the Korn Ferry Tour and other lower-level tournaments. He has played 176 events on the PGA Tour developmental circuit, making 94 cuts.
His top finishes include one third-place finish and seven other top-10s in eight seasons. He is currently ranked 936th in the Official World Golf Rankings (OWGR). His earnings total $570,000.
Jake Staiano, meanwhile, is 26 years old and turned pro in 2019. His career on the Korn Ferry Tour consists of just 17 events, with six cuts. His best finish to date is a T19 at the 2023 BMW Charity Pro-Am presented by TD SYNNEX. Staiano is currently not included in the OWGR. His career earnings are about $30,000.