Nikhil Rama stunned the commentators at the 2023 Joburg Open after hitting almost two back-to-back eagles during the second round of the tournament on Friday, November 24. The South African golfer carded a splendid eagle on the third hole of the second round. He then went on to make another hole-in-one on the fourth hole but slightly missed.
Rama made an eagle on the par-4 third hole and then shot the ball on the next hole. The ball travelled with a good speed and landed near the hole but missed it by a few inches. He made a birdie on the fourth hole.
The commemorates also could not believe his shot as they were amazed by his performance. As Rama hit the ball, one of the commentators said:
"No, no, no. You're joking, you're joking..."
Nikhil Rama played the first round of 65 at the Joburg Open. He had a good start to the tournament and made seven birdies in the first round.
Rama started the game on Thursday with a birdie on the first hole before adding a bogey on the second. He added another bogey on the fourth hole before making three back-to-back birdies from 10th to 12th holes. The 22-year-old made two more birdies on the last two holes to score five-under par 65.
Rama started the second round of the tournament on Friday with an eagle on the third followed by a birdie. He carded two more birdies on the front nine and three on the back nine. The second round is underway and Rama is currently sitting on the top of the leaderboard with a score of under 13.
"I've been playing well lately" - Nikhil Rama opens up about his performance ahead of the 2023 Joburg Open
Nikhil Rama opened up about his game ahead of the start of the 2023 Joburg Open. The South African golfer said that his goal for this week is to make the cut and have a good finish.
Speaking about his game and the tournament, Rama was quoted as saying by the European Tour:
"Coming into this week, the goal is to make the cut but I know I can compete on any tour. I've been playing well lately so I'm looking forward to the rest of the week.
"Top five qualifying at Pezula two weeks ago. It's a great feeling to be here not going through qualifiers, there's a lot of pressure to do that. I'm happy to be here now. I was just enjoying myself out there with my caddie Shannon, it's just great fun."
The 2023 Joburg Open is scheduled to have its finale on Sunday, November 26, at the Houghton Gold Course.