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  • WWE NXT Live Recap, Results, and Grades: SHAWN SPEARS takes the North American title from Tony D'Angelo! CORA JADE leaves match with JORDYNNE GRACE with a legitimate injury.

WWE NXT Live Recap, Results, and Grades: SHAWN SPEARS takes the North American title from Tony D'Angelo! CORA JADE leaves match with JORDYNNE GRACE with a legitimate injury.

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedMar 05, 2025 03:07 GMT

Follow along with Sportskeeda for live coverage of WWE NXT at 8 pm EST. Tony D'Angelo defends the North American title against Shawn Spears! The Hardyz appear ahead of their showdown with Fraxiom next week! Jaida Parker and Kelani Jordan can't keep their mouths shut about each other! Chelsea Green and Piper Niven face off with Zaria and Sol Ruca. So much more is in store ahead of next week's Roadblock!!!


03:07 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

SOL RUCA AND ZARIA defeat Chelsea Green and Piper Niven by pin.
JAIDA PARKER defeats Kelani Jordan by pin.
JORDYNNE GRACE defeats Cora Jade by referee stoppage.
TRICK WILLIAMS defeats Kale Dixon by referee stoppage.
SHAWN SPEARS defeats Tony D'Angelo by pin.

03:03 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

There's a new Norh American Champion!

03:03 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

A few of the matches were sloppy and the Grace/Jade match ending prematurely didn't help. The only interesting thing that happened with the "press conference" was Fallon Henley interrupting to ask Ava why she hadn't received her rematch yet. The main event had a title change but it was slow and choppy. The best matches were the Parker/Jordan exchange and the opening women's tag match. Not having any follow up with the Shield 2.0 group also didn't make sense.

02:59 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

The challenger goes for another C4 but it's blocked. D'Angelo tries to hit a Spinebuster but his back gives out and Spears holds him down with his pin to win the North American Championship!
Result - Shawn Spears defeats Tony D'Angelo by pin.

This match suffered greatly from a slow start and commercial break cutting it in half. We knew the two sides would brawl at some point but the pacing was off for most of it.

02:56 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Spears blocks the Don's finisher by countering with a Sharpshooter. D'Angelo powers out and hits his Fishermen's Buster but Izzi Dame puts his foot on the ropes. Both sides then brawl in and out of the ring. Spears shoves Stacks into The Don, causing him to fall into the announce table back first. Spears hits the C4 driver but The Don kicks out.

02:54 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Spears locks D'Angelo in a Camel Clutch submission. They exchange chin grabs for a few seconds before The Don lays in a few punches. He hits a suplex and a spear for a two-count. Spears rolls out of the ring and The Don pursues.

02:48 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Tony D lands some punches with both men atop the ring. Brooks mouths off at The Don as he hits a Superplex for two. 

02:46 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Vic mentions The Don is near 150 days in his run as North American Champion. Spears hits a Thesz Press early on.

02:38 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

That chair is almost as big as Roxanne Perez!

02:36 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Ava then announces Roxanne Perez vs. Jordynne Grace at Roadblock next week. Fallon Henley and Fatal Influence then interrupt to ask why she hasn't received her rematch but Karmen and others have had shots. We pivot to see Ricky Saints backstage. Ridge Holland walks over and tells him he shouldn't be here. He then runs into Shawn Spears as he's heading out for his match with Tony D.

02:34 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Moose and his lisp are at the Roadblock podium to answer questions. He says he's a prizefighter and always fights for the biggest prizes. He says they're isn't a bigger matchup between NXT and TNA than he and Oba (except for Joe Hendry).

02:26 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Trick then grabs the mic to call out Eddy Thorpe. Thorpe says Trick has lost his mind since he's not "the Man" in NXT anymore. He's 100% right. Trick's been acting like a little kid ever since losing the title. Backstage, we see Lil Roxanne Perez with a chair and Jordynne Grace on the ground. Roxy's yelling "Welcome to NXT" as officials try to break things up.

02:25 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Kale Dixon shakes his friend's hand before the bell. As he turns around, Trick rushes him with a Trick Knee and the ref calls the match.
Result - Trick Williams defeats Kale Dixon by referee stoppage.

That was pointless since Dixon and Connors were being nice to Ava. 

02:16 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Up next is Kale Dixon, who's not a chip, getting fed to Trick Williams.

02:16 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Evans says he's loved WWE for his entire life but this situation made him look at things a different way. I think that's kinda All Ego's point but I digress.

02:15 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

We then get a split screen interview with Ethan Page and Je'Von Evans. Ava announced earlier that they'll face off in a Street Fight next week so Je'Von can get his win back. Page says he took exception to Evans trying to give him advice about how to live his life. He says he'd break Je'Von's jaw in a heartbeat.

02:13 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

During the Jade/Grace match, they mentioned that Vaquer vs. Giulia is not simply title for title but a unification match. What does that mean for the women's division going forward? It's full of talented women so hopefully the North American Title is up for grabs at Stand in Deliver over WrestleMania weekend.

02:12 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

As we return from the commercial break, we see Jordynne Grace standing in the ring talking to the ref. Cora Jade is in the corner with medical officials and cannot continue. Grace is awarded the win via ref stoppage.
Result - Jordynne Grace defeats Cora Jade by referee stoppage.

GRADE: Incomplete.
Both women had some spots early on, but the non-finish discounts a grade.

02:09 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

FrAxiom . . . I knew you'd come!!

02:08 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

The coaches/legends from WWE LFG (Mickie James, Booker T, The Undertaker, and Bubba Ray) will be in attendance for Roadblock next week.

02:07 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Grace goes for another move but Cora pulls her down by the hair. Cora misses her stomp but lands a few knees to Jordynne's face before the commercial break.

02:05 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Grace takes Cora down with a headlock a few times. She knocks Jade down a few times before hitting a reverse gut-wrench suplex for two.

02:03 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Knockouts Champion Masha Slamovich is in attendance in the front row ahead of their title match at Sacrifice.

02:02 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Up next is Jordynne Grace taking on Cora Jade.

01:55 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Briggs says they need to stop kissing the Hardyz butts before hitting them both with Suicide Dives. They fight to the back. FrAxiom appears in the ring behind the Hardyz. 

01:52 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Matt says that to get noticed, you sometimes have to break up the norm. Tank then interprets that as being "Extreme" and using tables and ladders. Jeff says it's more about pushing yourself beyond you're perceived limits. Josh Briggs and Inamura then come out next.

01:51 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

The Hardyz take to the ring next. Jeff says it's great to be home in WWE. Matt and Jeff praise the NXT locker room as hungry with fire in their eyes. Hank and Tank interrupt them "to say thank you" for showing them what it means to be a tag team. They want some advice from the GOATS.

01:46 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Oba Femi is in front of the "journalists" at the Roadblock Press Conference. Oba mentions that his title defense next week will be the first time two Nigerian titans go head to head. He adds that when he hits Moose, he'll make him wish he never left the NFL.

01:43 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Jaida Parker just missed getting dumped on her head.

01:41 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Kelly Kincaid is back interviewing after giving birth a little while ago. The Don welcomes her back and refuses to say anything about Izzi Dame because his mother told him not to speak ill of women if he doesn't have anything nice to say. She asks if his back is okay and if he came back too soon. He says he's fine.

01:40 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Kelani goes to the top again. Parker climbs up to meet her but is pushed down. Jordan whiffs on a 450 Splash, allowing Parker to land Hipnotic for the win.
Result - Jaida Parker defeats Kelani Jordan by pin.

Both women have come a long way in a couple years. Parker gets a big win after withstanding a lot of punishment from Jordan. Learning from prior moves in the match shows Parker learns from her mistakes.

01:37 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Parker moves out of he way when Kelani goes for a split-legged moonsault. She hits a pop-up Samoan Drop for a near fall. Kelani attempts a Crossface Chicken Wing but Jaida backs her into the corner. She goes for another sit-down move but goes to the top this time. Jordan stops her with a kick. She pivots to a Spanish Fly off the top, but Jaida rolls out of the ring. Kelani goes for another springboard moonsault, but Jaida pulls her off the apron. She goes for a Hypnotic against the steel steps, but Jordan moves.

01:35 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Kelani breaks out of a hold with a leg sweep. She hits a facebuster on her knee before hitting a leg drop off the middle rope for a near fall. The women exchange strikes until Jaida goes for a reverse suplex. Jordan lands a flurry of moves highlighted by a legdrop variation for another two-count. 

01:31 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Trick REALLY didn't want Ava to get some new office supplies . . .

01:29 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Kelani stomps on Jaida's back as she slides under the bottom rope. She adds a moonsault to the floor for good measure. Jordan hits a short splash for two. Parker battles back with a shoulderblock. Jordan goes to the top, but Parker stops her ascent. Jaida drops her back-first onto the top buckle, sending her to the mats below.

01:27 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Vic correctly explains how Kelani Jordan picked a fight with Jaida Parker. She hits a shoulder block in the corner and a standing moonsault for two. Jaida battles back with a back elbow. Jordan drops Parker with a Lariat. 

01:25 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Backstage, Trick Williams is whining again to Ava about something. Kale Dixon and Uriah Connors come in and try to give Ava a gift for her new office. Trick big-times them and almost slaps the gift out of their hands. They try to calm him down but he's going off the deep end. He yells at them to get out but Kale brings up that WIlliams is part of the reason why Mr. Chase no longer has his school.

01:20 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Poor Chelsea Green . . .

01:20 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

A Doomsday Device/Moonsault combo . . .

01:18 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Backstage, Jordynne Grace is talking to Ava. Cora Jade interrupts to thank Ava for giving her a shot at Masha Slamovich, the Knockouts Champion. Ava books them against each other after they have words. Up next is Jaida Parker taking on Kelani Jordan.

01:17 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Niven and the Champ hit a Codebreaker/Senton combo for two. After standing up, Green's nose has been busted open. Sol hits a Moonsault off the top of Niven, but Piper breaks up the pin. Zaria F5s Niven onto Green before Sol hits a Sol Snatcher on Chelsea for the win.
Result - Zaria and Sol Ruca defeat Chelsea Green and Piper Niven.

Chelsea and Piper did their job, but there were a few slow and clunky moments. It's baffling that an NXT team beats one of the midcard Champs.

01:14 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Green and Ruca are battling off the commercial break. She pulls Zaria off the apron so Sol cannot tag her. Niven splashes her in the corner. Ruca recovers by landing a crossbody off the top on both opponents. She makes the tag to Zaria, who cleans the house with several strikes and suplexes. Niven blocks a German Suplex attempt, so Zaria spears both her and Green instead.

01:09 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Sol whiffs on a move and Piper does as well. Zaria tags in and takes Niven down. Sol pins Niven for a two-count. Zaria sends Chelsea from the ring. Sol hits a flying crossbody while Piper drops both opponents with a Cannonball.

01:08 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Chelsea slaps Sol right off the bat. Sol returns the favor. Piper tags in and Zaria puts her hand out to meet her. They go for power moves but block each other. Niven gets the upper hand briefly by knocking Zaria to the mat with a shoulderblock. 

01:04 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

Vic mentions that this is ring announcer Lillian Garcia's first time doing the duty for NXT. Corey Graves also stands up to salute Chelsea (as he should).

01:03 (GMT)5 MAR 2025

America's Champion, Chelsea Green teams with Piper Niven against Zaria and Sol Ruca to kick off tonight's NXT.
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