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  • WWE NXT Live Results (June 18th, 2024): POPULAR RIVAL STAR appears as Trick Williams meet his challenger for Heatwave!

WWE NXT Live Results (June 18th, 2024): POPULAR RIVAL STAR appears as Trick Williams meet his challenger for Heatwave!

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedJun 19, 2024 02:11 GMT

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02:11 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

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02:07 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

JE'VON EVANS wins the 25-man Battle Royal
ROXANNE PEREZ and LOLA VICE defeat Jazmyn Nyx & Jacy Jayne and Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend by pin.
KELANI JORDAN defeats Michin by pin.
FALLON HENLEY defeats Carlee Bright by pin.
ETHAN PAGE defeats Je'Von Evans by pin.

02:05 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Page eyeballs Trick before heading over to the announce table area. The two face off with each other. Shawn Spears runs out to batter Evans, but Trick tries to make the save. 

Page and Spears whoop on Trick until Evans makes the save with a double cutter. The show ends with a shot from above with the NXT Championship in the middle of the ring, surrounded by Page, Spears, Trick, and Evans on all sides.

02:03 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Evans climbs to the top, but Page stops him by tripping him. He hits the Ego's Edge on Evans for the win.

Result - Ethan Page defeats Je'Von Evans by pin.

02:02 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Je'Von battles back with a few punches and a spinning kick off the ropes. He hits a springboard clothesline for a near fall. Evans goes for his springboard cutter, but Page ducks out of the way. Evans hits a backkick and a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Page hits a Lariat and goes for another pop-up power slam, but Evans counters into a DDT for two.

02:00 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Page continues the damage to Evans' ribs. He hits a pop-up power slam for a near fall.

01:55 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

All Ego continues to work over Je'Von's ribs. He tosses him into the corner ribs first. He bodyslams Evans before landing a few knees to the lower back. Evans gets bounced off the top rope ribs first. Page goes for the Ego's Edge but Evans counters into a Hurricanran. He adds a stomp and a Superkick that sends Page to the outside in front of the announce table.

01:53 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Trick Williams comes out for commentary. Page and Evans in the main event with Page kicking Evans in his injured ribs.

01:51 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Chase U is celebrating backstage, but Duke Hudson is hesitant because he knows Ridge helped him win. Chase asks him if he saw anything, but he doesn't speak up. Ridge points to the shirt when Andre and Thea happily walk off. 

We then head to the women's locker room with an angry Fallon Henley. She's mad that Sol is getting the title shot and upset with the lack of respect. Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx come in to agree with her. Jacy says she doesn't like the version of NXT before strangely grasping her mask.

01:44 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

We go to Ava's office with Kelani Jordan, Mr. Stone, and Ava. Stevie Turner is standing quietly next to Ava. Kelani is talking about giving a title shot to someone who never complains. Arianna Grace comes in thinking that she's talking about her. 

Kelani says she wants to give Sol Ruca a shot, but Grace says she's better than she is. The two will fight next week, but Stevie Turner isn't happy. Speak up, former streamer gimmick girl!!

01:42 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Gallows bodyslams Chase a few times before tagging Anderson in. Vic reveals that Riley Osborne is in the UK and not here. Chase makes the tag to Duke, and he overpowers Machine Gun. He lands the Chase U elbow on Gallows. Duke pulls Karl off the top with his legs. Chase University sends Gallows to the outside.

Chase hits a Cannonball on Gallows, and Michin checks on him. With Thea and Chase on the other side, Duke pins Karl by the ropes, and it looks like Ridge held him by the shoulder so Karl couldn't kick out.

Result - Chase University defeats The O.C. by pin.

01:38 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Andre Chase wrestling in a sweater and pants always gets me. He gets the upper hand twice on Karl Anderson. Andre tags Duke in and keeps Karl isolated from his team. Gallows tags in and turns the tide for The O.C.

01:35 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Evans is getting his ribs taped up in the trainer's room. Trick Williams comes in to congratulate him. He tries to warn Evans about Ethan Page. Trick says Page is an 'outsider' and doesn't belong here.

01:32 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

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01:32 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Chase U comes out next for a match with The O.C. No Riley Osborne.

01:30 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

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01:30 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Eddy Thorpe is interviewed in the parking lot. He says NXT is hot right now and he wants to be in the middle of it.

01:29 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Bright gets a Sunset Flip for two. Fallon goes for a back body drop, but Brights jumps on her back with a sleeper. Fallon breaks it by ramming into the ring corner. As they battle in the ring, Wendy Choo appears from nowhere to choke out Kendal Grey.

Henley and Bright battle back in the ring. Carlee goes for a move off the top, but Henley moves. Henley hits a Perfect Plex into a cutter before hitting the Shining Wizard for the win.

Result - Fallon Henley defeats Carlee Bright by pin.

01:26 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Kendal Grey accompanies Carlee Bright to the ring for the match with Fallon Henley. Henley mocks Bright with a clap. After some headlock, Bright hits a headscissors. 

Henley battles back with a slap to Bright's chest. Bright whiffs on a headbutt, allowing Fallon to land a knee. She takes control with some kicks in the corner. 

01:23 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

We see No Quarter Catch Crew backstage with Charlie Dempsey talking to Tavion Heights. He says he wants Heights in the group, and he accepts. Dempsey is still pretending to be a fake Tony D. He puts Tavion up against Damon Kemp next week since Damon eliminated him from the battle royal. 

NXT Anonymous caught Gallus whining about Wes Lee getting another shot at Oba Femi. Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont get revenge on them for the attack last week.

01:18 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Backstage, Tank Ledger is unhappy he didn't win the battle royal. Hank Walker walks over to say he is medically cleared and ready for action. Hank says that Tyler Bate spun Tank around like pizza dough. 

They say they want to face Bate and Pete Dunne to get back on track. Up next is Fallon Henley taking on Carlee Bright. It looks like the cowprint fur coat is now part of heel Fallon Henley.

01:16 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

He adds that Femi will face a different kind of Cardiac Kid when they go at it one-on-one. Oba says all he cares about is changing the record books so he can replace Wes Lee in them. He also says it's the last time Lee can challenge for the title as long as he is the Champion.

01:14 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Lee says he was gunning for one thing when he returned - Femi because he had the North American Championship. He said he declined a spot in the battle royal tonight because his energy and focus are on getting the North American Championship back. 

Oba says he's tired of Lee going around in circles. He tries to leave, but Lee yells at him not to turn his back on him. He reminds him that Oba has everything going for him right now and that big names like Big E treat him like the most excellent North American Champ.

01:13 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Femi says he dominated two men in Vegas. That could be taken several ways. He wonders if anyone around can take the title from him. As expected, Wes Lee comes out to answer his question. Lee reminds everyone that Femi didn't pin him at Battleground. Femi is getting irritated with Lee's 'obsession' with the title.

01:11 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Femi says 'this feels all too familiar' meaning addressing the NXT fans after a big win. 

01:10 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Footage of Tatum Paxley challenging Jordynne Grace at Against All Odds airs before Oba Femi comes out.

01:09 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Backstage, Axiom and Nathan Frazer argue over why Frazer was in the battle royal. Frazer asks Axiom why he wasn't in the battle royal. Axiom thinks that being tag champs isn't good enough for Nathan Frazer, but he says it isn't the case. 

There will be a tag team turmoil match next week, but they are interrupted by Luca Crusafino, who has a contract for a Heritage Cup match next week since Frazer eliminated The Don.

01:06 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

And still...

01:04 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Kelly Kincaid interviews Ethan Page backstage. He claims that Trick didn't beat him cleanly because Oro Mensah attacked him twice in Las Vegas. He's kind of correct. He addresses Trick, Je'Von, and Oro Mensah. 

A vignette for Izzi Dame airs. She confidently says that she was dominating the volleyball court, and that's why WWE came calling. She calls everyone else 'NARPs: Non-Athletic Regular People.' She has lost her last few matches, so...

01:02 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

OTM comes out to get in The O.C.'s face, and the ref turns his back. Jaida Parker comes from the crowd to push Michin off the top rope. Jordan takes advantage of the moonsault to win.

Result - Kelani Jordan defeats Michin by pin.

01:01 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Jordan goes for a handspring move, but Michin catches her and hits a German Suplex with a bridge for a two count. Michin goes for Eat Defeat, but Kelani reverses it. She climbs to the top, but Michin meets her in the corner. 

Kelani counters with a Poison Rana, but Michin kicks out at two. Michin moves when Jordan goes for the split-legged Moonsault. She hits a package DDT, but Kelani kicks out.

00:59 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Michin has Jordan in a Bear Hug but she breaks loose. The two ladies collide when both go for crossbodies. They trade a few strikes on the knees before Jordan lands a splash in the corner. She adds a facebuster for two. 

00:53 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

The two shake hands before the match. After Michin gets a move in on Kelani, Gallows and Anderson walk out to the ring. That means OTM will be coming out soon. 

The two trade a few counters until Jordan lands in front of The O.C. Michin goes for a Suicide Dive but also lands in front of Gallows and Anderson. Jordan hits a move after Michin recovers.

00:49 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Up next is Kelani Jordan's first title defense against Michin.

00:48 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Kelani Jordan heads to the ring for her match with Michin. A bunch of NXT ladies stare daggers through her since she has the title. Sol Ruca wishes her luck.

00:47 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Perez never misses.

00:47 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

The winners

00:47 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Hard hitting action

00:44 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Vice and Perez celebrate, but Perez hits Lola with a spinning back fist before walking out. 

Backstage, Ava and Je'Von Evans are celebrating his win. Ethan Page storms in because Oro Mensah interfered and eliminated him despite not being in the match. The two argue before a match is made for the main event.

00:43 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Lash hits a double suplex on Jacy and Lola. Jazmyn breaks up the pin. Lash grabs her, but Nyx hits her with a Pele Kick. Jakara is left in the ring, and Vice hits her with a spinning back fist. Perez tags into Vice's dismay to hit Pop Rox and get the pin.

Result - Lola Vice and Roxanne Perez defeat Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend, Jazmyn Nyx & Jacy Jayne by pin.

00:41 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Jakara and Jazmyn have Lola Vice locked in submissions simultaneously. Perez breaks it up before hitting a combo move on the two for a near fall. Vice tags in and hits a hip attack on Nyx in one corner and Jackson in another. Jacy Jayne tags in as Lola wastes time trash-talking Jackson. Lash then comes in and cleans the house.

00:35 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Lash tags in and overpowers Perez and Jayne. Jacy lands a Hurricanrana on Lash, but Jazmyn Nyx comes off the tag. Perez is still in for her team, and she locks in a Sleeper Hold. 

Vice tags in, but Lash drops both women. Vice and Roxy chop Lash down with kicks. Nyx jumps at Lash, but Lash catches her. Jacy sends Legend to the ground with a crossbody. Roxy hits a Suicide Dive on Jakara on the outside.

00:33 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Roxy, Jacy, and Jakara start for their teams. They trade a few pinfall attempts. It's weird seeing Jakara actually wrestle for once.

00:32 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Next is the triple threat tag team match featuring Lola Vice and Roxanne Perez battling Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson and the duo of Jazmyn Nyx and Jacy Jayne.

00:31 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

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00:31 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

The battle royal was wild

00:24 (GMT)19 JUN 2024

Back in the locker room, some ladies are talking up Kelani Jordan. Fallon Henley walks in and runs down Carlee Bright for 'thinking' she is ready for a title shot at Kelani. Some other women chime in, but they've done nothing lately. Sol Ruca just walks out. 

We then go to Lola Vice, kicking a workout dummy. Roxanne Perez comes in to yell at her for looking for the title. She says she was looking at the title but will kick everyone else down before coming for the belt.
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