Anime Adventures is a tower-defense-style Roblox experience that features characters from popular anime and manga series. This experience hosts weekly Tournaments, accessible by talking to the Zen-o NPC next to the Tournament beacon. The objective of this mode is to deal as much damage as you can to rack up damage points and land on the leaderboard.
This guide covers the Tournament mode in Anime Adventures and gives you a brief overview of the type of rewards to expect each week.
How Tournaments work in Anime Adventures
The Tournament mode is a weekly event that rewards players for stacking up damage on the advancing enemies. This mode lasts 20 minutes, during which you will be pelted with a constant barrage of foes. Defeat them to earn Cash, upgrade your units, and maximize the damage you deal.
Other than the damage-focused scoring system, there are two modifiers that separate this mode from the other play spots: disabled Traits and enemy bursts. Your units will not be able to make use of their unique Traits, which evens the playing field for all players. That way, players with the best Traits won’t dominate the leaderboards each weekly reset.
The second modifier makes it so that the enemies always appear in bursts, keeping you on your toes while placing and upgrading units. This alteration gives the Tournament mode a frantic pace that is not matched by other game modes.
Each Tournament lasts a week, and so far, the game has hosted over 100 of these modes. At the end of each Tournament, players are given rewards based on their leaderboard placement.
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Tournament reward brackets
The leaderboard is divided into brackets that dictate which reward type players receive. Landing in the top brackets grants you the best rewards, which include Trophies, Gems, Star Remnant, Special Units, and Special Shiny Units. In contrast, you can expect the lower brackets to offer Trophies, Gems, and Star Remnants only.
These brackets and their respective rewards are as follows:
- 99.9%-100%: 50 Trophies, 4,000 Gems, 40 Star Remnants, 1x Special Shiny Unit
- 99.00%-99.89%: 45 Trophies, 3,500 Gems, 30 Star Remnants, 1x Special Unit
- 95.00%-98.99%: 40 Trophies, 3,000 Gems, 25 Star Remnants
- 90.00%-94.99%: 35 Trophies, 2,750 Gems, 22 Star Remnants
- 80.00%-89.99%: 30 Trophies, 2,500 Gems, 20 Star Remnants
- 70.00%-79.99%: 30 Trophies, 2,000 Gems, 17 Star Remnants
- 60.00%-69.99%: 25 Trophies, 1,750 Gems, 15 Star Remnants
- 50.00%-59.99%: 25Trophies, 1,500 Gems, 12 Star Remnants
- 40.00%-49.99%: 20 Trophies, 1,000 Gems, 10 Star Remnants
- 25.00%-39.99%: 15 Trophies, 750 Gems, 7 Star Remnants
- 0.00%-24.99%: 10 Trophies, 500 Gems, 5 Star Remnants
You can use Trophies to purchase special Emotes from the in-game Shop.
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What is Tournament mode in Anime Adventure?
The Tournament mode is about dealing as much damage to the enemies as possible to accrue damage points and land on the leaderboard.
How often does the Tournament mode reset in Anime Adventure?
The Tournament mode resets each week, and rewards are distributed the day after it resets.
What are Tournament Trophies used for in Anime Adventure?
Tournament Trophies are a currency that can be used to purchase unique Emotes.
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