Anime Defenders, the anime-inspired tower-defending Roblox title, has introduced a new Battle Pass with Update 4. Dubbed the Divine Dragon Battle Pass, this reward system gives players an incentive to level up their Passes by collecting XP. Each level of the Pass gives a specific reward, with a maximum level cap of 50.
Find out all about the Divine Dragon Battle Pass and the rewards you can obtain by leveling it up.
An overview of Divine Dragon Season 1 in Anime Defenders
The Divine Dragon Battle Pass is a 50-step reward system where you must level up to earn different prizes. Leveling up the battle pass requires you to collect Battle Pass XP, which can be earned by completing the specified quests. Since these quests are limited in number and reset every day, you can’t reach level 50 in a single sitting.
You have 24 hours from the time of logging in to complete the set of six Battle Pass missions before they reset. These include the following quests:
- Battle Pass Playtime I: Play for at least 45 minutes for 1,500 Battle Pass XP.
- Battle Pass Raid I: Clear Raids at least two times for 1,800 Battle Pass XP.
- Battle Pass Multiplayer I: Clear 25 waves with at least one other player for 1,000 Battle Pass XP.
- Battle Pass Kills I: Kill 1,000 enemies in any mode for 1,200 Battle Pass XP.
- Battle Pass Hall of Mirror I: Survive 20 minutes in Hall of Mirror for 1,275 Battle Pass XP.
- Battle Pass Challenge I: Complete at least two challenges for 1,650 Battle Pass XP.
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Battle Pass Tiers and Rewards
There are two tiers of the Divine Dragon Battle Pass: Free and Premium. The Free tier is accessible to everyone and only requires you to complete the missions listed above. If you wish to receive more prizes for leveling up the Battle Pass, you can purchase the Premium tier for 699 Robux.
The Premium tier gives you an additional reward each time you level up the Battle Pass, giving you the benefits of the Free tier as well. Moreover, each reward obtained with the Premium tier is double the amount offered by the Free tier, effectively making it thrice as good.
Listed below are the rewards offered by the Divine Dragon Battle Pass for both tiers:
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How many levels does the Divine Dragon Battle Pass feature in Anime Defenders?
The Divine Dragon Battle Pass features 50 levels, giving various rewards for reaching the highest level.
What are the different rewards offered by the Divine Dragon Battle Pass in Anime Defenders?
The Divine Dragon Battle Pass gives you Gems, Risky Dice, Frost Binds, Wishes, Trait Crystals, Divine Wishes, Mini Luck Potions, Spirit Orbs, and new units.
How do I earn Battle Pass XP to level up the Divine Dragon Battle Pass in Anime Defenders?
Completing the specified quests in the Quests menu daily gives you thousands of Battle Pass XP to level up the Battle Pass.
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