Anime Last Stand is an anime-inspired tower defense game that regularly updates its roster of units to shake up the meta. One such unit is the Time King, added to the game with the introduction of Banner 3 in World 2. Currently, his high damage output makes him among the best units in the game in either role.
This article discusses how you can obtain the Time King and what to expect from the unit’s performance in battle.
Breaking down Time King in Anime Last Stand
Overview and How to get
Time King is an Ultimate-rarity unit based on the Black Clover character, Julius. His role on the team is primarily that of an area-of-effect damage dealer. The more you upgrade him, the larger his effective area becomes. Being an Ultimate unit, he is quite difficult to obtain owing to the low pull rate of the rarity.
The unit can be obtained by performing summons on Banner 3 in World 2. Accessing this banner requires you to complete every story mission in World 1, clear the trial, and enter World 2. Then, collect the World-specific Jewels by completing story missions and quests to roll for the Time King on the banner.
Ultimate units on Banner 3 have a 0.3% chance of showing up in a summon. You can perform a single summon using 50 Jewels or 10 at once by consuming 500 Jewels. Since the Time King can’t evolve, you won’t have to worry about crafting evolution items for the unit.
Also read: Anime Last Stand World 2 guide
Stats and Upgrades
At level 85, Time King’s damage output outshines most other units in the game. With a baseline damage rating of 74,000, the AoE attacker can wipe out enemy forces rather easily. His effectiveness in battle only increases as you upgrade him. Upgrade 3 gives him the Time Blast enemy and enables his attacks to inflict Stun.
By the seventh upgrade, its attack type switches to AoE (Full) instead of covering a circular area. His attacks will now cover a wider area and they receive a sharp increase in damage. The seventh upgrade also adds the Time Stasis ability and switches his damage type from Ground to Hybrid.
The following table lists his stats, upgrade cost, DPS, range, and SPA at level 85.
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Which banner features the Time King in Anime Last Stand?
The Time King is featured on Banner 3 in World 2, requiring Jewels to perform summons.
What rarity unit is the Time King in Anime Last Stand?
Time King is an Ultimate unit, the second-rarest unit type behind Godly.
What is the pull rate for the Time King in Anime Last Stand?
The pull rate for Time King is 0.3%, which is the standard for Ultimate-rarity units in the game.
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