Anime Reborn recently received an update, which brings a new map, various units, a battle pass, and more to the anime-inspired tower defense title. This patch was implemented into the game on January 23, 2025, marking its fifth major update. Its main attraction is Aliens Vs Spirits, an event where two groups vie to take over the world, and the Ghost Tunnel portal.
Keep reading to find the official patch notes for Update 5 of Anime Reborn, along with a brief breakdown of the same.
Official patch notes for Anime Reborn Update 5
Here are the Anime Reborn Update 5 patch notes, as provided in the game:
- NEW Aliens Vs Spirit Team Event!
- Curses in the Ghost Tunnel await!
- Story map progression!
- Legend Stages & Portals
- Team Event NPC
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Breaking down Update 5
Update 5 was added to the game on January 23, 2025, giving players access to new playable content. The biggest addition to the experience is the Aliens Vs Spirits Team Event, which segregates players into two teams: Aliens and Spirits. Each player can contribute Souls for their team to help it maintain the lead over the other.
The Aliens Vs Spirits Event, in addition to being a team effort, also takes the form of a battle pass system. Robloxians gain access to a rewards ladder that yields prizes based on the number of contributed Souls. Reaching these Soul milestones grants freebies like Trait Crystals, Gems, Gold, Keys, and more.
Players may also access the Ghost Tunnel Portal, which can be obtained through the story stage of the same name. The Portal has a 20% chance to be a reward for every fifth wave, giving you the chance to roll for a new rare character. One of the newest characters that are a part of this Portal is Okarun, a powerful Mythic unit that can ravage enemy waves with ease.
Update 5 also brings story updates, along with new Legend Stages and Portals for those looking for a challenging level. Strengthen your most powerful roster of units and tackle the difficult but rewarding levels added with the newest patch.
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When was Update 5 added to Anime Reborn?
Update 5 was added to the game on January 23, 2025.
What is the Aliens Vs Spirits Team Event about in Anime Reborn?
The Aliens Vs Spirits Team Event is a team-versus-team event where players must contribute Souls for their respective teams to take the lead and earn various prizes.
How to get Okarun in Anime Reborn
The Mythic unit Okarun is available as a rare drop from the Ghost Tunnel Portal.
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