Anime Spirits is an anime-inspired Roblox experience that takes you on an adventure across a massive open world. Its newest update kicks off the Halloween festivities. Introducing the vampire Alucard from Hellsing, the patch provides you with everything you need to bolster his already high stats even further. It also adds a new dungeon, currency, and more.
This article covers the additions and changes introduced with the Halloween Update Part 1 for Anime Spirits.
Everything new in Halloween Update Part 1 for Anime Spirits
Divine Weapon Alucard, Awakened Alucard, and new mode passive
The highlight of the Halloween Update Part 1 is Alucard, the newest Divine Weapon and one of the most powerful beings in the game. You can obtain him by completing the associated dungeon.
Alucard possesses a mode passive called Hell King, which acts as a flat stat buff. With it activated, the Divine Weapon can deal double the damage through both his normal attacks and his special skills. Furthermore, his strength can reach an even greater pinnacle through his special awakening.
Once you obtain Alucard, you can evolve him into his Awakened form. This requires you to obtain the Divine Weapon, collect 10 Alucard Shards, and one Alucard Scroll. With these items in your inventory, head to West City and locate the Alucard Awakener NPC. Upon interacting with the NPC, your Alucard will evolve into Awakened Alucard, raising his power to new heights.
Alucard is only available for the duration of the event, so be sure to nab him before he becomes unavailable.
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New dungeon, accessories, and other updates
A new dungeon can be found at West City 1st Sea, where you will encounter Alucard himself. Defeat this boss-level NPC for a chance to obtain Alucard Shards, Alucard Scroll, and other items.
You can obtain two new Alucard-specific accessories as well: Alucard’s Hat and Alucard’s Glasses. The hat has a stat spread of 775 Weapon, 675 Defense, and 775 Soul, while the glasses offer 750 Weapon, 650 Defense, and 750 Soul as stats. These gear pieces occupy different slots, so you don’t have to worry about equipping one over the other.
Other Halloween tweaks include the following:
- Added a 2x Gold and EXP Event.
- Candy, the Halloween-specific currency, has been added in preparation for the next update.
- A new Alucard title can be obtained from the new dungeon.
- Alucard Bundle can be purchased for a 25% reduced price.
- The new dungeon has been adjusted to offer high drop rates.
- New code has been implemented: ALUCARDUPDATE.
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When was the Halloween Update Part 1 added to Anime Spirits?
The Halloween Update Part 1 was added to the game on October 16, 2024.
What is the newest Divine Weapon in Anime Spirits?
The newest Divine Weapon is Alucard, the iconic vampire from the anime and manga series, Hellsing.
What are the newest accessories introduced to Anime Spirits as a part of the Halloween Update Part 1?
The newest accessories introduced with the Halloween Update Part 1 are Alucard’s Hat and Alucard’s Glasses.
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