Anime Vanguards, the anime-inspired tower defense Roblox title, includes a myriad of prizes for completing stages and events. A part of its loot system in the Winter Portal are Gift Boxes, which can be used as a currency at the Event shop. Gift Boxes are a farmable resource, which makes it easy to stock up on them if you’re looking to clear out the aforementioned shop.
This guide provides you with the details on Gift Boxes in Anime Vanguards, along with the easiest way to farm them.
Gift Boxes in Anime Vanguards: Usage and acquisition
Gift Boxes were introduced in Anime Vanguards as a part of the 3.0 update on January 19, 2025. The main way to obtain them is through Winter Portals, where different stages grant you a varying amount of Gift Boxes. You can farm Portals to open the Winter Portals, with Planet Namak being the quick and easy way to do so.
You can obtain different portal tiers by clearing these Portal stages; the higher the Portal Stage tier, the better the Portal drop. For instance, completing Tier 1 Winter Portal has a 50% chance to drop a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Portal. Tier 10 Portals are the best since they guarantee a Tier 10 Portal drop. The Portal drops can then be used to access the stage again.
Consider using one or two Christmas-themed units to maximize bonus drops, as a high drop bonus will get you a greater chance for additional drops. Since your map selection will always be Planet Namak, you won’t have to worry about using the best units to clear the map.
Gift Boxes can be used at the Winter Shop in the Quest area or the Winter limited banner to obtain new units. The latter is preferable since the banner gives you the chance to get the Exclusive Karem, Foboko, and other rare units.
Also read: Anime Vanguards Update 3 patch notes
About Anime Vanguards
This Roblox experience requires you to place units on the map to defend your home base against nefarious forces. The title is about collecting different characters featured on summon banners to use in stages and become stronger. Its gameplay systems pave the way for progression through both Levels and Evolution.
The game’s levels involve fending off dozens of enemy waves that follow a predetermined path. You can obstruct their advance by peppering the field with your fighters and upgrading them mid-battle. Defeating enemies generates Cash, the main resource required for upgrades.
Finishing a stage entails clearing all enemy waves and defeating the last boss of the level, granting you rewards for the same.
Amplify the power of your characters through subsystems like Traits and aim to become the strongest in the experience.
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How to earn Gift Boxes in Anime Vanguards
Gift Boxes have a chance to drop from Winter Portals, where high-tier Portals grant you better chances to obtain the presents.
What is the best way to farm Gift Boxes in Anime Vanguards?
The best way to farm Gift Boxes is through the Planet Namak Portal while using Christmas-themed units.
What are Gift Boxes used for in the game?
Gift Boxes can be used as currency at the Winter Event Shop or the limited Winter banner.
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