Anime Vanguards, the anime-themed tower defense experience, recently received Update 4.5. This patch, dubbed Shadow Dominion update, adds new units inspired by Solo Leveling and Frieren, bringing fresh elements to the experience. It also introduces a new dungeon, shop, bounties, mailbox, and various bug fixes and improvements to the core gameplay.
This article includes the official patch notes for the Shadow Dominion update in Anime Vanguards.
Official patch notes for Anime Vanguards Update 4.5
3 New Units

This update is coming out with three brand-new units! These units will be found in
- Vanguard Evolution: Song Jinwu and Igros
- Dungeon Unit: Choy Jong En, Choy Jong En (Guild Leader)
- Worldlines Floor 50 Reward: Friran, Friran (Teacher)
Note: The Song Jinwu and Igros Vanguard evolution is a permanent and time-consuming feature. Players are encouraged to progress at their own pace, as there is no need to rush.
New Dungeon & Currency - Ant Island
Earn valuable Monarch Tokens and the Secret Choy Jong En unit in the brand-new Ant Island Dungeon! Defend your base against relentless Ant Swarm attacks for 30 waves, facing formidable foes like the Ant Queen and the Ant King, taking advantage of powerful Modifier Cards in the process. You can access Dungeons in the back of the Raids area.
- Tunnel Mechanic: Every few seconds, a tunnel opens on any side of the map, spawning enemy ants every second. Crush these tunnels by interacting with them before they get out of control.
- New Starter Cards: Lifeline, which regenerates one Life Stock every five waves and Exterminator, which gains 50% damage for every open Ant Tunnel.
- Red Key: Has a 10% drop chance upon winning a match, alternatively it can also be bought in the Dungeon shop with Monarch Tokens. Completing the Red Key questline transforms it into the Elixir of Life, which can be used to evolve Mythic Song Jinwu into Vanguard Song Jinwu and Igros.
New Shop: Dungeon Shop
Use the new Monarch Token currency obtained from the Ant Island Dungeon to purchase:
- Red Key
- Red Jewel
- Belu Familiar
- Shadow Flying Ant Mount
- Stat Chips
- Trait Rerolls and more.
Speak to the Song Jinwu NPC in the Raids area to access the new Dungeon Shop.
Boss Bounties
Speak with Dr. Okabu in the Play Area to claim the new Boss bounties! You can accept up to 10 boss bounties per day, with the counter resetting alongside the Daily Challenge and Gold Shop. Hunt Down specific bosses to claim rewards like Trait Rerolls, Gems, and more!
An in-game mailbox has been added that will be used to send announcements, including text and images/videos, as well as special rewards to players without having to make them rely on the Discord server for information. You can access this feature by pressing the Mailbox button in the lobby UI under the Profile button.
Cosmetics Loadout
You can now easily save and load your favorite cosmetic combinations! You can find this feature in the Units UI, next to the Skins button. Load, save, delete, rename, and create as many of these combinations as you like!
Worldlines Season 3
All players have been reset to Floor 1 and Isdead is no longer obtainable. However, all the corresponding floor rewards have now returned, with Secret Friran replacing Isdead as the new Floor 50 reward.
New Achievements
We have added six new Achievements, which all feature Trait Rerolls, Gems, and more as obtainable rewards! These Achievements include
- One Story Achievement: The Many Year Cursed War
- Two Boss Rush Achievements: Showdown Against the King, Staving Off the Darkness.
- One Raid Achievment: The Body Parts of WHO
- One Dungeon Achievement: I’ll Need a Big Can of Raid
- One Unit Achievement: Goddess of Lightning
New Profile Banner Changes and New Additions
The profile banner you equip will now be visible to other players when they view your rank on any in-game leaderboard, such as Infinite, Worldlines, and more.
We’ve added four new banners! Three were illustrated by our artist Calla, and one by Oniix.
- Yuruicha: Obtained through the completion of the Yuruicha Unit Achievement.
- Goddess of Love: Purchasable in the Customize menu for 500 Trophies.
- Mankind’s Weakest Hunter: Obtained upon getting the new Song Jinwu and Igros unit.
- Pawsome: Purchasable in the Customize menu for 30 trophies.
Also read: How to get Shiny and Secret units in Anime Vanguards
Bug fixes, Changes, and QoL improvements introduced in Update 4.5
Changes and QoL

- Added a new weighted banner system that makes units that have not been featured for a while more likely to get featured in the middle.
- Crowd Control effects such as Slow, Stun, and more have been revamped and now feature a prioritization system, along with a new lockout system.
- Worldline LB rewards have been re-adjusted. The Top 1-12 will now receive a shiny Worldline unit from that season (for example shiny Isdead) along with the current shiny and non-shiny leaderboard unit (such as Seban). The Top 13-32 will receive a non-shiny leaderboard unit only.
- A new Skin Bundle for the Fern skin, equippable by Friera, has been added.
- A new Mount Bundle for the Shadow Dragon Mount has been added to the shop.
- Removed model hair from the majority of cosmetics.
- Update 4.0 units are now available in Sandbox Mode.
- Added a “Damage in Range” counter next to unit DPS, to further exemplify the value that higher range has for a unit. This counter is based solely on default enemy speed; hence, it may be inaccurate in situations where enemies have a higher / lower speed.
- Added a pop-up notification when using abilities, which states what the user needs to do to properly use it.
- Made item containers slide at a different speed from the main UI.
- Added a “MVPs gained” counter to user profile.
- Added “Worthiness %” and “Takedowns” counter to unit hotbar selectikon preview, including in-match so that users no longer need to go back to the lobby to view those values.
- Added a Teleport icon to the Dungeon section of the Raids area.
- Changed “hover to view upgrade stats” to “click to view upgrade stats” to allow for mobile usage.
- Familiars now show passive percentages when viewing in the Familiars menu.
- Added an icon/indicator for Isdead (Romantic)’s Blooming Love passive.
- Removed “Clear Paragon level 50” quest from unit achievements, and more.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Isdead (Romantic)’s Mahokarada ability not boosting damage.
- Fixed Orehimi (Faith)’s ICHIGA!!!! Passive only working once per match in multiplayer, instead of once per player.
- Fixed Orehimi (Faith) applying buffs to other player units instead of your own.
- Fixed Hair Ornament item displaying wrong obtainment method.
- Fixed The Almighty boss not appearing in the enemy index.
- Fixed Top Placed Units counter.
- Fixed mobile players being unable to access the detailed item preview.
- Fixed Haruka Rin (Dancer) not applying buff upon upgrade to units that are now inside of her range, but were previously outside of it.
- Fixed players being unable to unlock Temple Demon enemy in the enemy index.
- Fixed players being unable to unlock Games enemy in the enemy index.
- Fixed vote skip wave timer skipping waves at 30 seconds instead of 60 seconds.
- Fixed Medusa not having any VFX.
- Fixed Eizan (Aura) Dabo 81 ability snapping to path corners.
- Fixed being unable to navigate to view Namak leaderboards.
- Fixed Classic Roblox faces not working/showing when used.
- Fixed Yomomata’s ability icon not showing in some cases.
- Fixed Yomomata’s summons spamming damage indicators when passing through invulnerable enemies.
- Fixed Sukono King of Curses’ toughness bar not displaying.
- Fixed “click to view upgrade stats” being pushed off screen at higher UI scales.
- Fixed Saber (Black Tyrant) constantly spamming buff change notifications.
- Fixed various minor grammar issues in passives.
- Fixed unit achievements in viewport being cut off at UI scales higher than 1.0.
- Fixed placement limit counter not updating while using quick placement.
- Fixed players being unable to use ability hotbar on mobile.
- Fixed some item purchase handler texts disappearing at lower resolutions.
- Fixed enemy index flavor text cutting off when viewed at lower UI scales.
… and many more!
When did Anime Vanguards receive Update 4.5?
Update 4.5 was added to Anime Vanguards on March 17, 2025.
What are the newest units added to Anime Vanguards in Update 4.5?
The new units introduced to Anime Vanguards with Update 4.5 are Song Jinwu and Igros, Choy Jong En, and Friran, along with their evolution states.
Can Anime Vanguards be played for free?
Yes, you can play through Anime Vanguards and interact with its gameplay systems at no monetary cost.
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