Attack on Titan Revolution is an anime action simulator inspired by Attack on Titan. On November 9, 2024, the game released its second large-scale update dubbed Update 2. This patch introduces several new elements to the game, such as a Prestige level cap increase, a new battle pass, and quality of life adjustments.
Read through this article to learn everything there is to know about Update 2 for Attack on Titan Revolution
Everything new in Update 2 for Attack on Titan Revolution
New Mission objectives, Loading Docks map, map cosmetics, and secondary objectives
Update 2 adds three objectives for the Mission Creator: Skirmish, Randomizer, and a map-specific objective. Skirmish is an all-out battle against a horde of Titans to protect the building occupants and nearby civilians. The Randomizer objective selects a random task and places you in the thick of things to see how versatile you can be in combat.
As for the map-specific objectives, the six maps in Attack on Titan Revolution give you a unique mission flavor for you to enjoy. The five preexisting maps and the new Loading Docks map allow you to set the map-specific objective instead of a standard kill quest. These tasks that are particular to each map are listed below:
- Shiganshina: Defend the Headquarters from a Titan onslaught.
- Trost: Protect Eren.
- Outskirts: Escort carts to their destination.
- Giant Forest: Defend the trapped female Titan.
- Utgard: Protect Utgard Castle from the Beast Titan’s attacking horde.
- Loading Docks: Survive the Titan onslaught until your allies escape.
The update also brings the following Map Cosmetics:
- Epic Blood Vial: Shiganshina
- Epic Kitsune Ribbon: Utgard
- Epic Midnight Mask: Outskirts
- Epic Mushroom hat: Giant Forest
- Epic Regiment Cloak (Green): Loading Docks
- Legendary Grimmjow’s Mask: Outskirts (Hard difficulty or higher)
- Legendary Kitsune Mask: Shiganshina (Hard)
- Legendary Regiment Cloak (Black): Loading Docks (Hard difficulty or higher)
- Legendary Shogun’s Helm: Trost (Hard difficulty or higher)
- Legendary Warrior’s Medallion: Giant Forest (Hard difficulty or higher)
- Mythical Vizard’s Map: Any mission (Aberrant difficulty or higher)
- Rare Recon Visor: Trost
- Rare Wizard Hat: Utgard
Another major addition to the Attack on Titan Revolution is the Secondary Objectives system. These are side tasks that are randomly assigned at the beginning of a mission or raid. Upon completion, you receive an extra 5% Gold and XP for missions and 5% Luck for Raids. These include simple objectives like injuring or killing a certain number of Titans or more difficult ones like escaping a mission without taking too much damage.
Additionally, you can now get the Armored Titan, the serum for which can be obtained from Aberrant Missions. It comes with a unique Resonance ability, which activates hyper armor when using Courage, preventing you from being stunned when hit.
Mission modifiers, Memories, Perks, and Prestige level cap adjustment
You can apply new mission modifiers in the Mission Creator. Here’s a brief list of the latest ones:
- Time Trial: +10.0% XP or Gold if you beat the mission under the specified amount of time. Lose an equivalent amount of XP or Gold if failed.
- Glass Cannon: +25.0% XP or Gold; the player only has 1 HP for the duration of the mission.
- Boring: -10.0% XP or Gold; prevents Abnormals and Crawlers from spawning (doesn’t apply to the Nightmare difficulty).
- Simple: -10.0% XP or Gold; reduces all Titans’ stats by 30.0% (doesn’t apply to Oddball)
The following Memories can now be obtained:
- 4-Star Gambler: All damage dealt fluctuates between 75.0-130.0% (altered to 85.0-140.0% for Perfect Form).
- 4-Star Overslash: 30% of any excess damage from a finishing blow applies to other Titans in a 100-meter radius.
- 4-Star Necromantic: +20% damage, +25% HP, and +15% Speed upon ignoring death.
- 4-Star Thanatophobia: +25% damage reduction when below 40% HP; +15% Injury Chance reduction and heal an injury every 15 seconds.
- 4-Star Apotheosis: +15% to Awakening bar regeneration; Awakenings can be triggered at 60% bar; +10% to Shifter damage.
- 4-Star Bloodthief: Recover 3% HP every 2 seconds while hooked onto a Titan.
- 3-Star Assassin: +25% Blade damage and +15% Skill cooldown reduction.
- 3-Star Amputation: Critical hits to non-boss Titans disable limb regeneration.
- 3-Star Tactician: +15% to all Flare skill effects.
- 2-Star Stormcharged: Damage increases by 3% for each Shifter in a match.
- 2-Star Riposte: Successful counters can instantly execute a Titan.
- 2-Star Gem Fiend: +10% Gems from AFK Zone and Mission Streak
Here’s a complete list of the newest Mythical Perks introduced with Update 2:
Heavenly Restriction
- All equipped skills are disabled
- ODM damage increases by 5.0%~7.5% per skill equipped
- +10.0~20.0% chance to kill Titans upon injuring them
- Damage resistance increases by 15.0%~25.0%
Black Flash
- Extra 0.3%~0.5% critical damage for every 1.0% of speed.
- Dashes have 10.0% more speed, phase through Titans, and Deal maximum damage every critical attack
Art Of War
- Shifter Damage increases by 30.0%~40.0%.
- Shifter M1 Speed increases by 7.5%~10.0%.
- Health regen increases by 3~5.
- Take 2.00x~1.50x more damage.
- Getting hit by an attack 2 times makes you immune to that attack.
- Can be immune to a total of 3 attacks at the same time.
- Immunity resets whenever the player shifts/ejects.
Font of Inspiration
- Your orders and flares have their cooldowns halved, and their effects multiplied by 1.25x~1.50x.
- Your orders can now be used mid-air.
- Damage resistance increases by 20.0%~30.0% for those affected by your orders.
- Gas bar increases by 1.5%~2.5% per kill.
- Health increases by 0.75%~1.5% per kill.
- Can see the outlines of all titans.
The update includes two Shifter Damage perks as well:
- Warrior (Epic): Shifter Damage increases by 7.5%~15.0%
- Warchief (Legendary): Shifter Damage increases by 12.0%~20.0%
Additionally, the Prestige level cap has been increased to 4, providing seasoned Attack on Titan Revolution veterans with a higher goal to strive towards.
Also read: Attack on Titan Revolution: Quest Guide
Halloween event, cosmetics, and Season 2 Battlepass
Attack on Titan Revolution Update 2 also saw the introduction of the Halloween Event, which overhauls both lobbies to fit the event theme. The event introduces the Halloween Tokens currency, which can be obtained by killing Titans that spawn with a pumpkin head.
These Halloween-themed Titans come in two types: Orange and Gold. The orange one drops 1 Token and has a 20% chance to spawn when a mission starts, while the gold one drops 10 and has a 2% spawn rate. The Tokens can also be purchased in bundles using Robux.
Halloween Event adds three new cosmetics to the Shop: the Mythic Forsaken, the Legendary Jack O’Lantern, and the Epic Witch Hat. You can purchase these and Boosts from the in-game Shop using Halloween Tokens.
You can also obtain the following cosmetics through the Halloween Crate in Attack on Titan Revolution:
- Axe Head
- Blade Head
- Butcher Blade
- Green Aura with Flies
- Green Skeleton’s Attire
- Ski Mask
- White Skeleton’s Attire
Lastly, the following cosmetics are available as a part of the Anime All-Star Crates #3 (Demon Slayer) and #4 (Fate):
- Astolfo’s Attire (Legendary): All-Star Crate #4
- Explosion Art (Legendary): All-Star Crate #3
- Gilgamesh’s Attire (Legendary): All-Star Crate #4
- Giyuu’s Attire (Legendary): All-Star Crate #3
- Nichirin Cleaver (Legendary): All-Star Crate #3
- Tengen’s Attire (Legendary): All-Star Crate #3
- Vulcano Caligorante (Legendary): All-Star Crate #4
- Archer’s Attire (Epic): All-Star Crate #4
- Flame Breath (Epic): All-Star Crate #3
- Gae Bolg (Epic): All-Star Crate #4
- Kyokokukamusari(Epic): All-Star Crate #3
- Lightning Breath (Epic): All-Star Crate #3
- Rengoku’s Attire (Epic): All-Star Crate #3
- Sword of Rupture (Epic): All-Star Crate #4
- Bakuya (Rare): All-Star Crate #4
- Blood Art (Rare): All-Star Crate #3
- Blood Sickle (Rare): All-Star Crate #3
- Kanshou (Rare): All-Star Crate #4
- Saber’s Attire (Rare): All-Star Crate #4
- Tanjiro’s Attire (Rare): All-Star Crate #3
- Water Breath (Rare): All-Star Crate #3
- Bikini’s Attire (Uncommon): All-Star Crate #4
- Caliburn (Uncommon): All-Star Crate #4
- Nichirin Katana (Uncommon): All-Star Crate #3
- Shinobu’s Attire (Uncommon): All-Star Crate #3
- Slayer Box (Uncommon): All-Star Crate #3
- Mouth Guard (Common): All-Star Crate #3
- Priest’s Attire (Common): All-Star Crate #4
- Scathach’s Attire (Common): All-Star Crate #4
- Slayer (F)’s Attire (Common): All-Star Crate #3
- Slayer (M)’s Attire (Common): All-Star Crate #3
- Slayer Mask 1 (Common): All-Star Crate #3
- Slayer Mask 2 (Common): All-Star Crate #3
- Slayer Mask 3 (Common): All-Star Crate #3
Also read: Attack on Titan Revolution: Family Guide
Season 2 Battlepass, Quality-of-life changes, balance adjustments, and bug fixes
With Attack on Titan Revolution Update 2, you can enjoy a new Season of the 100-Tier Battlepass, which adds seven new cosmetic items scattered across the Free and Premium tiers. This battle pass allows you to purchase each level for 2,000 Gems, making it easier to level up if you have the currency.
The following quality-of-life changes have been introduced to Attack on Titan Revolution with Update 2:
- New icons for Inventory and Market categories.
- Gamepasses can now be gifted.
- Trail auras have been added to the Leaderboard auras.
- Mission reward drops have been reorganized to appear based on rarity.
- Implemented a pity system to Memories and Talents. 20 scrolls now guarantee a 3-Star+ Talent or Memory.
- Added an exclamation point to the achievements that are ready to be claimed.
- Added a scroll bar to the Missions tab.
- Clothing will no longer clip into a character’s torso.
- Mod+ can now grant the Encounter achievement.
- Raid Easter Egg Onikiri has been added, which can drop the Onikiri gear set.
- Serum can now be sold for 12,500 Gems.
- Reset all week's worth of battlepass quests.
- Shifting skill now saves and auto-equips between serums after the player first unlocks it.
Listed below are the balance adjustments made to the experience with Attack on Titan Revolution Update 2:
- Building damage scaling has been adjusted based on the chosen difficulty.
- ODM Damage-altering effects don’t affect Titan Shifting’s Base Damage.
- Shifter Damage stat introduced; it can be rolled on artifact stats and Epic or higher Perks are available for it.
- Perks with flat values now increase with levels.
- Reduced ODM Damage for Kengo Perk from 40-60% to 25-40%.
- Reduced Injury Chance Reduction for Immortal Perk from 30-40% to 15-22.5%.
- Adjusted ODM Speed, ODM Control, and ODM Gas values for Tatsujin, reducing each significantly.
- Adjusted health-per-kill of the Lifefeed talent from 2.5% to 2%.
- Tactician Flare skill increase reduced from 25% to 15%.
- Daily and Weekly Quests have been adjusted to be more difficult and offer more rewards.
- Weekly Quests now give extra rewards like spins, crates, and keys.
Lastly, the following list includes every bug fix made with Attack on Titan Revolution Update 2:
- Fixed an issue that caused Titans not to aggro towards Eren in Phase 1 Raids.
- Fixed an issue that prevented leg/arm injuries from showing properly with a red highlight.
- Addressed an issue where Shifting/Ejecting got rid of I-Frame priority when a player used a skill with I-Frames immediately afterward.
- Fixed a visual bug where the Prestige symbol disappeared after switching to the Prestige category.
- Squashed a bug that caused the black borders to become misaligned.
- Fixed issues that caused visual bugs when switching between both lobbies.
- Fixed decimals not rounding properly on some stats in the perks screen.
- M1s for the skill Rising Slash have been fixed.
- Mended an issue that caused a Crawler to be stuck in a leaping animation when stunned.
- Fixed a visual issue with skill cooldowns that prevented them from updating after performing a Shift or Ejection.
- Fixed perk 'Courage Catalyst' not reducing skill cooldowns.
- Further bug fixes to the lobby and UI.
- Fixed ragdoll issues with lost limbs.
- Fixed destroying non-vulnerable limbs on the raid boss.
- Fixed ‘Warbringer’ Achievement, and hard reset any achievements to do with Warbringer or in the ‘Wings of Valor’ category, alongside ‘Shiki’.
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When did Attack on Titan Revolution receive Update 2?
Update 2 was implemented for Attack on Titan Revolution on November 9, 2024,
How to obtain the Witch Hat cosmetic in Attack on Titan Revolution?
The Witch Hat cosmetic can be purchased from the Attack on Titan Revolution Shop for 915 Tokens.
How many tiers does the Attack on Titan Revolution Season 2 Battlepass feature?
The Attack on Titan Revolution Season 2 Battlepass has 100 Tiers, rewarding you for collecting XP and leveling up.
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