Anime Defenders, the anime-inspired tower defense simulator, features a mechanic known as Traits that give passive stats to a unit. A step above Traits is Divine Traits, which offer more potent buffs to the chosen unit. Divine Traits can be game-changers as they can elevate the performance of your units well beyond what would be possible otherwise.
This guide covers Divine Traits and how to get them while providing you with a list of every obtainable one in the game.
Divine Traits and how to get them in Anime Defenders
Divine Traits function similarly to regular Traits in concept, i.e., they are passive bonuses that can be obtained by using the corresponding crystal.
Regular Traits offer a buff that can range from something as minor as a 10% damage increase to a major buff with multiple passive effects. Being a step above Traits, Divine Traits are more in line with the rarest ordinary Traits. The rarer the Divine Trait, the more potent it becomes.
Currently, there are 10 Divine Traits in the game, and they can be obtained by using a single Divine Trait Crystal to perform a roll. Each of the 10 Divine Traits has a different pull rate based on the effects they apply to a unit.
Here are the different ways you can obtain a Divine Trait Crystal in the game:
- Perform summons on the Special Banner.
- Complete Mythical or Secret Portal stages.
- Buy them from the Raid Shop.
- Complete Quests and Challenges.
- Clear waves in the Infinite Mode.
Also read: What are Secret Units in Anime Defenders?
List of all Divine Traits
Listed below are all 10 Divine Traits and their effects, sorted in the increasing order of their pull rate:
- Apex 1: 0.05% pull chance; +125% Damage, -15% Cooldown, +10% Range, -10% Upgrade Cost, +30% Critical Chance; applies a visual change, giving the unit a giant red sword and white-red aura.
- Emperor 1: 0.1% pull chance; +140% Boss Damage, -10% Upgrade Cost, +10% Range, +50% Critical Chance.
- Requiem 2: 0.15% pull chance; +50% Damage, -15% Cooldown, +20% Range; applies a visual change, giving the unit yellow wings.
- Precision 2: 0.35% pull chance; +50% Crit Chance, +50% Crit Damage; applies a visual change, giving the unit an eyes aura.
- Tank 1: 1.5% pull chance; +110% Damage, +30% Cooldown, -10% Range.
- Sonic 2: 1% pull chance; -30% Cooldown; applies a visual change, adding lightning effects around the unit.
- Warlord 1: 1.5% pull chance; +50% Damage.
- Elemental 3: 5.15% pull chance; +100% DOT Damage.
- Elemental 2: 5.3% pull chance; +75% DOT Damage.
- Elemental 1: 5.6% pull chance; +50% DOT Damage.
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How many Divine Traits does Anime Defenders feature?
The game includes 10 Divine Traits, which apply various effects like increased damage, decreased cooldown, improved range, reduced upgrade costs and visual changes.
How do I apply Divine Traits to my units in Anime Defenders?
You can apply a Divine Trait to your unit using a Divine Trait Crystal at the Traits station.
What is the rarest Divine Trait in Anime Defenders?
The rarest Divine Trait in the game is Apex 1, which has a 0.05% pull chance.
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