Heroes Battlegrounds is an experience where you play as anime-inspired heroes and villains. One of the first villain additions to the game is Hero Slayer, a combo-centric character with many powerful skills. True to his name, Hero Slayer’s techniques reflect those of an assassin, being able to inflict a unique status ailment onto the opponent.
Here’s everything you should know about Hero Slayer and how to use him effectively in Heroes Battlegrounds.
An overview of Hero Slayer in Heroes Battlegrounds

Being the second character to be added to Heroes Battlegrounds, Hero Slayer is a free option that can be accessed from the Characters menu. He wields a large blade that gives his normal attacks, also known as M1s, plenty of range. In addition to the extra range, the character is capable of chaining together some of the lengthiest combos in the game.
His skill set consists of Thousand Slashes, Triple Dagger Throws, Blackout Clutch, and Curdle Pierce. Here’s a brief overview of what they do:
- Thousand Slashes: Unleashes a flurry of sword swipes at the opponent. Capable of striking airborne enemies.
- Triple Dagger Throws: Throws three daggers toward the opponent. Daggers are aimed in every direction if used in mid-air.
- Blackout Crutch: A grab attack that connects with nearby enemies, even if they are blocking or knocked down.
- Curdle Pierce: Slashes at the opponent with a sword. Inflicts the Blood Curdle status ailment that stuns the enemy when this skill is successfully used against them.
Each of these moves can be combined with M1s to create a stronger flurry of attacks. When used to finish an opponent off, every skill except Curdle Pierce triggers a special finisher cutscene.

Hero Slayer’s Ultimate Mode, named Conviction, is a move with an area of effect that engulfs you in a red aura. It alters the moveset as well, giving you access to four new skills: Crimson Parry, Scarlet Frenzy, Sanguine Symphony, and Indomitable Will. Playing into the character’s killer persona, these moves are all blood-themed.
Here’s what the new moves do:
- Crimson Parry: Assume a brief counter stance. If the enemy strikes you during the counter window, retaliate with a powerful flurry of sword slashes.
- Scarlet Frenzy: A partially invincible move with i-frames during the startup that slashes in all directions. Useful for clearing space when surrounded by opponents.
- Sanguine Symphony: Fling numerous daggers at the opponent, teleport to their location, and slice them down. Inflicts Blood Curdle status effect.
- Indomitable Will: An invincible move that extends the duration of the Ultimate Mode. Inflicts Blood Curdle status effect on anyone standing nearby.
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How to use Hero Slayer effectively in combat

When gauging each skill and M1 individually, Hero Slayer’s damage is not anything to write home about. Where his damage begins to ramp up is when his combos are extended to the very limit. Most of his moves can chain into others, which makes his combo routes more varied than most other characters.
He can inflict a unique status effect called Blood Curdle, which can cause the enemy to enter a stunned state for quite a while. The status effect can be used as a combo starter, which becomes impossible to escape once the chain begins. This is exemplified by his Ultimate Mode, which includes two skills that apply to this ailment.
One of his strongest tools is the Curdle Pierce skill, which prevents knockback and knockdown during the attack animation. This can allow you to stack up Blood Curdle quite rapidly, particularly against aggressive enemies. Upon inflicting the ailment upon the enemy, simply begin slashing their HP pool away with your combos.
The skill ceiling for Hero Slayer is one of the highest, requiring rigorous practice to find optimal combo routes. Once you begin combining moves seamlessly into one another, this character becomes incredibly difficult to stop.
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How does Hero Slayer’s Blood Curdle work in Heroes Battlegrounds?
Hero Slayer can paralyze enemies with Blood Curdle by using skills that afflict the opponent with the status effect twice.
What is the best skill for Hero Slayer in Heroes Battlegrounds?
The Conviction mode skill Indomitable Will is the best in Hero Slayer’s arsenal for its complete invincibility and extension of the Ultimate Mode.
What is the best way to end a combo with Hero Slayer in Heroes Battlegrounds?
Using the skills Thousand Slash and Triple Dagger Throw are excellent ways to end your combo as Hero Slayer in Heroes Battlegrounds.
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