Dragon Soul Anime Adventure is a Roblox title that takes cues from the famed animanga series, Dragon Ball. The titular objects are integral to the Dragon Ball world, which is why it’s no wonder they hold a similar level of importance in this experience. You can collect all seven Dragon Balls to summon Shenron and have him grant you a perfect wish.
Here’s how you can find all Dragon Balls and the wishes you can make in this Roblox experience.
Finding the Dragon Balls in Dragon Soul Anime Adventure
Like the source material, finding all Dragon Balls is not easy. They spawn every 10-20 minutes in public servers or three to six hours in private ones. A Dragon Ball also spawns every time the game receives 1,000 likes, although this is only applicable to public servers.
Dragon Balls can spawn in 175 possible locations, but getting them is not too difficult. Finding them is a matter of spotting the lightning strike that indicates their respective locations and heading in their general direction.
Keep your eyes peeled and ears pricked for the distinctive thunderous sound and rush towards its source to collect the fabled Dragon Ball. As you get close to its location, a notification will pop up, letting you know of the ball's proximity.
Once you have all seven, you can summon Shenron by clicking on one of the balls.
Also read: Dragon Soul: A beginner's guide
Wishes granted by the Dragon Balls
After summoning Shenron, you can choose from a list of seven vaguely phrased wishes. Upon making the wish, the Dragon Balls will scatter, leaving your inventory and starting the hunt anew.
You can wish for wealth, power, luck, fresh drip, gamepasses, a rare enchantment, or love. Listed below are the rewards that these wishes entail:
- Wealth: Gives you 300,000 Zeni and a triple Zeni Booster (lasts 3 hours).
- Power: Five levels and a triple XP Boost (lasts 4 hours).
- Luck: Applies a 3x Drop Chance Boost exclusively to Legendary Items (lasts 2 hours).
- Fresh Drip: Gives three random pieces of gear. This wish has a 0.5% chance of spawning a Shenron Aura as well.
- Gamepasses: Grants you 100 Gamepass Points.
- Rare Enchantment: Adds an Epic or a Legendary Enchantment Fragment to your inventory.
- Love: Prompts a joke message that says even Shenron can’t grant this wish.
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How many Dragon Balls do I need to find in Dragon Soul Anime Adventure?
You need to collect seven Dragon Balls to make your wish in this game.
How do I find Dragon Balls in Dragon Soul Anime Adventure?
Move in the direction of the lightning strike that accompanies a Dragon Ball spawn to find it.
What are the different wishes offered by Shenron in Dragon Soul Anime Adventure?
Shenron lets you make a wish for power, wealth, luck, drip, gamepasses, enchantments, or love.
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