Jujutsu Infinite is an open world action RPG based on the popular animanga series, Jujutsu Kaisen. The title is currently celebrating its Winter Event 2025 and the primary currency of this celebration is the Candy Cane. Players can obtain and use this resource until January 25, 2025, after which the event and the associated shop will expire.
This guide covers how you can acquire Candy Canes and gives you a brief overview of where to use them.
Obtaining Candy Canes in Jujutsu Infinite
The only way to obtain Candy Canes in the Winter Event 2025 is by defeating the Santa boss. Found through a portal at Jujutsu High, Santa is a raid-style boss whose attacks quickly pile on damage while his summons pester you.
Santa can be found across a rift in the hub world, which spawns every hour at the XX:00 real-life clock. This ferocious foe is tuned as a challenge for endgame players, so we would advise leveling up your avatar as much as possible.
Once defeated, Santa drops five Candy Canes and five Winter Chests. The Candy Canes are a guaranteed drop, which can then be used at the event shop to purchase various items. Santa may also drop the following items after being defeated:
- Turbo Mask
- Winter Bell
- Festive Top
- Festive Pants
- Festive Hat
If you tackle the boss with friends or fellow Robloxians, you must inflict damage equivalent to 10% or more of the boss’ HP to receive Santa drops. Note that death does not reset the boss, so you can try again and continue piling on damage over multiple attempts.
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What you can get with Candy Canes
Candy Canes can be used at the Black Market shop in the hub area to purchase various themed gear, tools, and accessories. The Black Market NPC is located directly in front of the Curse Market NPC in Jujutsu High.
Here’s everything available in the Black Market stock that can be purchased using Candy Canes:
- Winter Bell: 100 Candy Canes
- Festive Top: 45 Candy Canes
- Festive Pants: 45 Candy Canes
- Festive Hat: 45 Candy Canes
- Snow Angel Title: 30 Candy Canes
- Winter 2025 Title: 5 Candy Canes
- Healing Frost Skill Scroll: 50 Candy Canes
- Sleigh Skill Scroll: 50 Candy Canes
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How to get Candy Canes in Jujutsu Infinite?
Candy Canes can be obtained as a guaranteed drop by inflicting at least 10% damage to the Santa boss and defeating him.
What are Candy Canes used for in Jujutsu Infinite?
Candy Canes can be used to purchase Winter Event 2025-themed items from the Black Market.
Where is the Santa boss in Jujutsu Infinite?
The Santa boss can be accessed from a portal in Jujutsu High.
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