In Type Soul, the Vasto Lorde is the final form that a Hollow can take as a part of their progression path. Boasting incredible power that can match the strongest Soul Reapers in one-to-one combat, Vasto Lorde is a form befitting the end game. So, it’s no surprise that it is one of the most difficult forms to achieve.
The Vasto Lorde transformation is quite difficult to achieve because you only get one chance per character to get the form. If you fail at any point, you will revert to a weaker transformation, with the Vasto Lorde stage being rendered inaccessible.
So, if you want to become a Vasto Lorde, read through this guide and consider following it closely. The room for errors is very slim, requiring you to take care while going through the process.
About Vasto Lorde in Type Soul

As a Hollow, you have access to a few different progression paths, depending on when you choose to take your mask off. Starting as a Fishbone Hollow, you can transform into a Menos, then an Adjuchas, and finally, a Vasto Lorde. The variation in this path occurs if the core progression path is altered.
For instance, you can take your mask off as a Menos to become a Menoscar. While stronger than a Menos, the transformation is no match for its Adjucha and Vasto Lorde counterparts, the Adjucar and Vastocar.

Vasto Lorde avatars have access to three core abilities: Cero, Cero Oscuras, and Garganta. Their movement speed is also among the higher end of the spectrum, making them lightning bruisers in the world of Type Soul.
The combination of unparalleled strength and hyper-fast movement makes them a formidable force worth the effort of transforming.
Also read: How to find and use Hollow Box in Type Soul
Unlocking the Vasto Lorde form for Hollows

If you’re starting as a Fishbone Hollow, there are four steps to complete to transform into a Vasto Lorde. The objectives required to facilitate the transformation become progressively harder, which is why we recommend having a few high-level friends in your party.
Note that if you use Ctrl + K at any point before becoming a Vasto Lorde, you will be locked out of the progression path.
Step 1: Unlocking the Menos form
To transform a Fishbone Hollow into a Menos, you must defeat a Menos NPC and consume their corpse by pressing B on your keyboard. Upon doing so, your avatar will undergo the transformation and you can progress to the next step.
Step 2: Becoming an Adjuchas
Menos can become an Adjuchas by killing a Menos NPC and consuming it, just like in the previous step. You can only consume enemy Menos NPCs, so you may want to refrain from killing Menos players for the same.
Once you finish consuming the Menos NPC, your avatar will transform into an Adjuchas.
Step 3: Transforming into Albino

The next step on the path of the Vasto Lorde has you transform into an Albino Adjuchas by collecting mask cracks. Mask cracks are valuable items dropped by Adjuchas NPCs and players, with the former dropping two per kill and the latter up to five.
Note that dying has a hefty penalty here, as you will lose the specified amount when killed by another Adjuchas. Once you have 25 mask cracks, you will complete your transformation into an Albino Adjuchas.
Step 4: Completing the progression to Vasto Lorde

The final step of the Vasto Lorde progression is where you should avoid any chances of failure at any cost. Dying while performing this step will result in your avatar regressing to a weak Menos, locking you out of the powerful Hollow forms.
Transforming into a Vasto Lorde requires you to kill an Albino Adjuchas player or the Vasto Lorde boss. The latter can be found by following the lines that direct you toward the powerful Hollow boss battle. Being the final boss for the Hollow’s transformation, this is an extremely difficult fight where you get no do-overs.
Consider having a friend help you out while tackling the boss and letting them do most of the work. Once the boss has been defeated, you will complete your transformation into the all-powerful Vasto Lorde.
Also read: How to unlock Full Res in Type Soul
What is the Hollow transformation path in Type Soul?
Hollows can transform into Menos, then Adjuchas, and finally Vasto Lorde by completing a series of objectives.
Is it easy to beat the Vasto Lorde boss in Type Soul?
No, the fight against the Vasto Lorde boss is quite difficult to take on solo, which is why it is advised to bring party members along.
How many mask cracks do I need to become a Vasto Lorde in Type Soul?
You need 25 mask cracks to transform into an Albino Adjuchas and access the final step of the Vasto Lorde transformation.
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