Like or Pass is a game about socializing and presenting yourself to fellow Robloxians. This experience is all about showing off with few or no words and being ranked based on impressions alone. Not only can this open up roleplaying possibilities through character customization, but it can also help you find a friend.
This guide covers the essentials of Like or Pass, giving you a brief overview of its gameplay.
An overview of Like or Pass

Like or Pass has you join fellow Robloxians in a queue as a Candidate or the one using the titular buttons to judge them. The latter role is known as a Picker, who must form an impression of the candidates within a few seconds.
This experience is a fun party game where players can take turns as the Picker or the Candidates to see what they think of each other. Those given the Like rating are placed in the neon green Like bracket, while those who received a Pass are sent to the bright red Pass section.
The round ends once all Candidates have been judged by the Picker. A brief intermission follows, after which a new round begins with a different person as the Picker.
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Featured gameplay elements
Round-based structure

The game has different rounds, with a new set of Pickers and Candidates for the next round. Each lasts up to a minute, giving the game a notably fast pace. A Candidate’s or a Picker’s role is granted based on their chosen gender. The Candidates will always be the same gender, while the Picker will be the opposite.
As a Picker, you must cast judgment on the queue of Candidates who present themselves to you one after another. This can include emotes, character customization, and more.
As a Candidate, you have three options: use the chat feature to introduce yourself briefly, use an emote, or use the character creator. Depending on the Picker, you may not have enough time to properly use the first two options, which puts much emphasis on character customization. There is no reliable way to make it to the Like bracket other than the Picker’s preferences, so simply give it your best shot.

There are two main leaderboards to keep an eye on in this experience: the Likes and the Passes. The game keeps track of your Likes and Passes stats, using the scores to determine your place on the leaderboard. As you continue to play hundreds of rounds, you will be more likely to be placed on these leaderboards.
The game offers no incentives for ranking high on either leaderboard; they are simply statistics for personal intrigue.
In-game shop and premium features

The in-game shop includes Emotes, Tags, and Booths, all of which can be purchased using in-game Cash. You can earn Cash by playing the game normally, earning daily rewards and finishing rounds. Certain items can cost up to hundreds of in-game Cash, which makes racking up money desirable for completionists.
As for its premium selection, you can purchase a VIP membership, earn 2x more Cash and gain the ability to troll fellow players with Robux. Since being selected in the two brackets is dependent on the Picker, these options have no bearing on your odds of ending up in either group.
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What is Like or Pass about?
This game is about forming a good first impression as a Candidate or judging Candidates as a Picker to place in the Like and Pass brackets.
How do I earn Cash in Like or Pass?
You can earn Cash by claiming daily rewards, completing rounds, and purchasing it using Robux.
Is Like or Pass free to play?
Aside from optional purchases, the game is completely free to play.
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