In Rune Slayer, Lightning Mage is a build that makes use of powerful lightning and storm-themed spells. To get the elements required for this build, you must scale the Storm Peaks mountains and find the NPC who rewards you with Lightning Scrolls. Once you complete the required task, you can use the spells Chain Lightning, Storm Sphere, and Thunder Strike.
Here’s what you need to know about Lightning Mage in Rune Slayer.
An overview of Lightning Mage in Rune Slayer

Lightning Mage is a build that uses a set of spells accessible to all magic-focused classes. This includes Mages and Priests, and the spell set can be used in tandem with their respective subclasses as well. The addition of lightning magic to your repertoire can be a game changer, giving you an extra elemental damage source with which you can ravage enemies.
You can get up to three powerful spells as a Lightning Mage: Chain Lightning, Storm Sphere, and Thunder Strike. These spells have different effects when cast, making them equally useful in different situations.
Chain Lightning shoots a lightning bolt that can chain to multiple enemies. You can use Storm Sphere to throw out an orb of lightning that explodes upon impact. Lastly, Thunder Strike is a spell that causes massive damage when it comes in contact with the enemy.
Regardless of the type of mage you play as, you can make good use of these spells and they are well worth the effort required to unlock them.
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How to become a Lightning Mage

Becoming a Lightning Mage requires you to interact with the Lightning Spirit found atop a mountain in Ashenshire. It’s a lengthy trek, particularly if you’re starting from Wayshire, but is fairly straightforward.
From the Wayshire entrance, continue moving in a straight line until you see the Ashenshrie popup. Then, turn halfway towards the right, proceed through the Greatwood Forest, and turn a little to the right again. Continue moving along until you reach the Greatwood Swamp. At the edge of this is an area made from stone. There is a climbable rope you can use here to reach the base of the Storm Peaks.
Once at the Storm Peaks, climb to the very top of the mountain. Along the way, you will encounter lightning sprites that you must kill to collect Electrical Energy. Electrical Energy is the currency you need to give to the Lightning Spirit, an NPC found at the top. Upon giving it the Energy, you can choose between different Lightning Scrolls.
Pick any of the three listed above to acquire one of the Lightning mage spells. Then, return to your spawn point and make your way back to the Storm Peaks to respawn the lightning sprites, giving you access to more Electrical Energy.
Continue farming the energy until you have enough to buy the remaining two scrolls. This will complete your journey to become a Lightning Mage.
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How to become a Lightning Mage in Rune Slayer
You can become a Lightning Mage by acquiring three Lighting Scrolls from the Lighting Spirit atop the Storm Peaks.
Which spells does a Lightning Mage use in Rune Slayer?
The Lightning Mage build uses Chain Lightning, Storm Sphere, and Thunder Strike.
How much Electrical Energy is required to unlock Lightning Scrolls in Rune Slayer?
You only need one Electrical Energy to unlock any of the three Lightning Scrolls.
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