Sonic Speed Simulator, an adventure title based on the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, includes a myriad of playable characters and alternate skins. The Rockstar Sonic skin, an alternate outfit for Sonic, is the newest. This character is a reward from the Battle of the Bands Encore Event, a celebration added to the game on January 11, 2025.
Here’s a complete guide on how to get the Rockstar Sonic skin and the rewards obtained through the Battle of the Bands Encore Event.
Obtaining Rockstar Sonic in Sonic Speed Simulator
Rockstar Sonic is an obtainable skin from the Battle of the Bands Encore event. More specifically, it is a reward from the dedicated subsection of this event, separate from the main area.
While the main event is all about choosing your side between Vector and Rouge, Rockstar Sonic has his own separate section of objectives. You can find the event podium close to the spawn point in Green Valley.
Here is a list of missions for the Rockstar Sonic subsection of the Battle of the Bands Encore event, along with their corresponding rewards:
- Collect 2,000 Chaos Orbs: 2x Maestro Chao
- Earn 240s Boost Time in Races: 2x Beam Note Trail
- Destroy 200 Badniks: 3x Red Guitar Hoverboard
- Perform 600 Hoverboard Tricks: 2x Maestro Chao
- Complete 20 Time Trials: 2x Beam Note Trail
Completing his set of five objectives grants you access to the skin, along with 2,000 Red Star Rings. Note that these tasks must be completed sequentially as the subsequent objectives must be unlocked manually post-completion.
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Battle of the Bands Encore Event rewards
The Battle of the Bands Encore event has you complete one of the two objective sets within the event duration to see who wins between Vector and Rouge. Simply pick a side and complete their mission set to give the character a boost in the competition.
Listed below are all the missions required to complete Vector’s side of the event and receive DJ Vector as the playable character:
- Destroy 800 Badniks: Rail Canyon Act 1
- Pop 900 Balloons: Spring Emotions
- Collect 2,500 Music Sheets in Lost Valley / Emerald Hill: Hardboiled Guitar Hoverboard
What follows is a list of missions required to complete Rouge’s side of the event and receive the Rockstar Rouge character as the main reward:
- Earn 700,000 Grind Rail points: Fly in the Freedom (Instrumental)
- Collect 7,000 Chaos Orbs: Sea Bottom Segue
- Collect 4,000 Scrap in New Yoke City: Exciting Guitar Hoverboard
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How to get Rockstar Sonic in Sonic Speed Simulator?
Rockstar Sonic can be acquired by completing tasks specific to him in the Battle of the Bands Encore event.
What is the Battle of the Bands Encore event about in Sonic Speed Simulator?
Battle of the Bands Encore is an event where you must assist Vector or Rouge in a battle of music to decide the ultimate winner.
When did Battle of the Bands Encore event start in Sonic Speed Simulator?
Battle of the Bands Encore event started on January 11, 2025.
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