Macro dungeon exploration in Verse Piece involves fulfilling the unlock requirements and defeating all the enemies found within. These levels are designed to be challenging for players of all levels and provide an exclusive reward at the end if they succeed. Robloxians can obtain special armaments, accessories, materials, and more, making them a worthwhile expedition.
Here’s everything you need to know about Macro Dungeons and what they have to offer.
An overview of Macro Dungeons in Verse Piece

Macro Dungeons in Verse Piece are specially-designed areas that can be unlocked by spending a unique resource called Dungeon Tickets, along with Gems. The entry cost varies from one Dungeon to the next; the more stringent the unlock requirement, the better the associated rewards. Dungeon Tickets can be purchased from an NPC on Beach Island using Mythic Items.
Once you fulfill the unlock condition, unlock the desired Dungeon by interacting with the Spawn Dungeon NPC on Runes Island. Doing so opens a portal that leads you directly into the level, where you can begin going through the enemies on the map. If you wish to ramp up the difficulty, you can toggle the Hard mode button on the top right corner of the screen.
Emerge victorious to add the stage-specific rewards to your inventory and continue exploring the different Dungeons and islands of the game.
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All Macro Dungeons and how to unlock them

Macro Dungeons come in two varieties: Limited and Permanent.
Limited Dungeons are only available for a set duration, after which they expire, and their associated rewards become inaccessible. This makes them a high-priority target. We recommend going for them before attempting their Permanent counterparts to avoid losing any prizes.
Permanent Dungeons, on the other hand, can be explored at your leisure. Since they don’t expire, you can take your time with them and attempt them when you’re ready.
No matter the Dungeon type you choose, you will obtain level-specific rewards, along with Dungeon Medals upon clearing them. These Medals can then be exchanged for goodies at the associated Shop nearby, giving you access to additional materials and accessories.
The table below lists all Macro Dungeons in the game and the unique prizes they offer upon beating them:
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How to unlock Macro Dungeons in Verse Piece
Macro Dungeons can be unlocked using Dungeon Tickets and Gems.
How to access Macro Dungeons in Verse Piece
Macro Dungeons can be accessed by interacting with the Spawn Dungeon NPC on Beach Island.
What rewards do Macro Dungeons offer in Verse Piece?
Upon clearing a Dungeon, you will receive a stage-specific reward and Dungeon Medals.
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