In Fisch, you can explore the vast seas and find exciting islands that act as biomes separate from the rest of the game world. One of the five major islands in this Roblox experience is Sunstone Island, found a short distance away from the starting area, Moosewood. Being home to some of the rarest fish in the bestiary, such as the Sunfish and Voltfish, this place is rife with fishing opportunities.
Let’s take a look at Sunstone Island, where it is located, and what you can find once you reach it.
Finding Sunstone Island in Fisch

The easiest way to reach Sunstone Island in Fisch is to head northeast from Moosewood, found close to the Statue of Sovereignty. This area can be found at the coordinates (X: -932, Y: 131, Z: -1109).
Reaching this island requires you to use a boat, which you can spawn by speaking to the Shipwright NPC near the docks. The Shipwright NPC can be found on almost every island, facilitating your main mode of transportation in this game.
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What you can find on Sunstone Island

The main points of interest on Sunstone Island include Merlin’s Hut, 11 fish species, and Sundial Totem spawns.
Merlin’s Hut is found on the farthest end of the area, located at the southernmost tip of the isle. Upon reaching it, you can speak to the eponymous NPC, Merlin to buy Enchantment Relics. Merlin only sells these elusive items if you are level 30 or higher.
You may also find a Sundial Totem at a fixed spawn location directly westward from Merlin’s Hut. Enter the cave you spot by following this direction and pick the totem up to gain the ability to manipulate the time of day. Sundial Totems are single-use only, and once used, you must wait for a couple of in-game days for it to respawn on the island.
Lastly, you will find the following fish types to register in your Sunstone Island bestiary:
- Common Glassfish
- Common Sweetfish
- Uncommon Chinfish
- Uncommon Longtail Bass
- Uncommon Red Tang
- Unusual Trumpetfish
- Rare Mahi Mahi
- Rare Napoleonfish
- Legendary Sunfish
- Legendary Wiifish
- Mythical Voltfish
The Secret item that you can get via fishing on this island is the Speed Core, which reduces your progress bar speed by 20% while fishing. It acts like a debuff, so you may not want to use too many luck-boosting items while fishing on Sunstone Island.
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How to find Sunstone Island in Fisch
Sunstone Island can be found by heading northeast from Moosewood until you spot an area marked with the island’s name on the HUD.
How many fish species does Sunstone Island feature in Fisch?
Sunstone Island features 11 distinct fish species that you can catch and add to your bestiary.
Where to find the Sundial Totem on Sunstone Island in Fisch
The Sundial Totem can be found inside a cave to the west of Merlin’s Hut.
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