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  • WWE NXT Great American Bash Live Results (August 6th, 2024): MASSIVE heel turn for popular face after rousing main event!

WWE NXT Great American Bash Live Results (August 6th, 2024): MASSIVE heel turn for popular face after rousing main event!

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedAug 07, 2024 02:10 GMT

Find out what happens live on WWE NXT Great American Bash right here.


02:10 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

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02:10 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

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02:09 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

PETE DUNNE defeats Trick Williams by pin.
KELANI JORDAN defeats Tatum Paxley by pin.
ETHAN PAGE defeats Oro Mensah by pin.
JOE HENDRY defeats Joe Coffey by pin.
WREN SINCLAIR defeats Kendal Grey by pin.
NATHAN FRAZER and AXIOM defeat MSK (Zach Wentz and Wes Lee) by pin.

02:05 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Lee then picks Miguel up and tosses him through the barricade by the ring. He goes for a Meteora on Wentz against the steel steps but gets mostly steps instead of Wentz's head.

02:04 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

The teams shake hands in the ring with the Champs leaving the ring first. Miguel and Wentz have to help Lee up after the loss. Miguel cries for his brother after the loss but Lee turns heel by blasting him with a Superkick. Wentz yells "What are you doing? He's your brother!" but Lee kicks him in the nards. Lee then yells that they left him alone before kicking Wentz out of the ring.

02:02 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Wes Lee ducks as Axiom blasts Frazer with a Superkick. Lee then tags Wentz in and he lands a springboard cutter for a close call. Lee tags back in MSK hits their assisted push moonsault but Axiom breaks up the pin. Frazer hits a dropkick on Lee while he's sitting atop the buckle. He hits a superplex but Axiom tags in before he hits a kick-assisted brainbuster. Axiom recovers to hit the Golden Ratio Kick on Lee to keep the titles.
Result - Nathan Frazer and Axiom defeat MSK (Zach Wentz and Wes Lee) by pin.

01:59 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

After some back-and-forth, Frazer surprisingly has Wentz grounded with a rest hold in the middle of the ring. Frazer goes for a springboard move but is kicked in the face by Wentz. Lee and Axiom tag in and Lee hits a dropkick to Axiom's head. He lands three more kicks before tagging Wentz back in. Axiom makes it to his corner to tag Frazer in. Axiom hits a Spanish Fly off the top and Frazer hits the Phoenix Splash but Lee breaks up the pin.

01:48 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Time for the main event as MSK challenges Nathan Frazer and Axiom for the NXT Tag Team titles.

01:48 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Oba Femi leaves the building to reveal that he will defend his title next week against anyone who is bold enough to step up to him. As he's trying to finish his statement, The D'Angelo Family walks by and interrupts to say that he'll beat Charlie Dempsey again next week.

01:45 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

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01:42 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

We get part 2 of the Je'Von Evans profile. He says the first person he met was Matt Bloom, aka, Lord Tensai. He says he took a pic with him when he was 13. The interviewer asks him where he sees himself in 10 years. Evans says he has no idea but will be growing up in front of everyone's eyes.

01:40 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Grey builds momentum with some strikes and a belly-to-belly toss. Myles Borne tries to stand up to Grey, but he trips when he backpedals. Grey hits a variant of an Angle Slam for two.
Wren and Grey trade a few pin attempts until Wren hits a Rose Plant for the win.
Result - Wren Sinclair defeats Kendal Grey by pin.

01:38 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Sinclair tries to take Kendal Grey down but Grey counters into an armbar. She hits a throw and locks in another armbar. Sinclair hits a counter of her own. Grey hits a crossbody for two. She hits a snap arm drag following the pin attempt. Wren locks Kendal in a modified bow and arrow submission.

01:34 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

The cookout resumes, and Shawn Spears and Brooks Jensen have words. Roxanne Perez walks in and says, "Look, a bunch of women I haven't beat yet." Mr. Stone then says their talk gives him an idea for a multi-woman match. Stevie Turner decks him so she can pitch the idea to Ava. The Good Brothers walk in to mock the cookout. Hank and Tank then throw hands with Gallows and Anderson.

01:32 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

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01:28 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Up next is Wren Sinclair taking on Kendal Grey. If she wins, she gets into the No Quarter Catch Crew and Dempsey gets a shot at the Heritage Cup.

01:27 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

We next go to Chase University and its new classroom provided by Ridge Holland. Riley thinks Thea should get another title shot. He then comes in to say that he called in his last favor with Ava and secured Chase U another tag title shot next week. Duke is happy but Ridge then says the match is for he and Mr. Chase, not Duke.

01:25 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Sarah Schreiber interviews Hendry after the win. She asks if he has enjoyed his time in NXT but he says it's just begun and he might stay longer and longer. He says anyone with a problem with that can come find him next week.

01:23 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Hendry hits a Fallaway Slam. He then hypes the crowd up with a stomp before hitting his sit-down Chokeslam for the win.
Result - Joe Hendry defeats Joe Coffey by pin.

01:22 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Hendry gets out of a Boston Crab hold but gets dropped throat-first on the top rope. Mark and Wolfgang try to attack Hendry while Joe Coffey has the ref distracted, but he turns the tide. He grabs a chair, throws it to Wolfgang, and then slams himself on top of the announce table. When the ref turns around, he sees Mark with the chair and ejects Gallus.

01:17 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

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01:17 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Coffey holds onto the ropes but Hendry clotheslines him over the top as the commercials hit.

01:16 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Hendry takes out Wolfgang and Mark Coffey before the bell. In the ring, Joe Coffey hits a running uppercut. He adds a modified Vader Bomb for a two-count. Hendy hits a knee on Coffey. Coffey goes for a Crossbody off the top but Hendry channels Samoa Joe and just moves out of the way nonchalantly. Hendry hits a delayed suplex. 

01:13 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Up next is the battle for Joe supremacy as Joe Hendry battles Joe Coffey. 

01:13 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

We go to the cookout from earlier today. Brinley Reece and Jaida Parker are drooling over Dion Lennox. Funny since they were feuding a few months ago. Ashante comes over to hit on Parker and Reece. Parker says she's focused on the NXT Women's Champ but then Lola Vice comes in to say the same after coming so close. BJ Ray then comes in to call all the ladies "smoke shows" before they put him through the picnic table.

01:11 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

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01:10 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Who knew getting rid of Drew Gulak and Damon Kemp would make No Quarter Catch Crew more interesting . . . .

01:09 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

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01:06 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Page talks into the camera, saying he doesn't care who's next because this is "NX Me" and not NXT. Zach Wentz mentions how it's been 853 days since MSK had to relinquish the titles. Wes Lee holds back some emotions while explaining how important Wentz and Trey Miguel are to him. He remembers some dark days over the last two years.

01:03 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

The Champ brings Mensah back to the ring for a DDT, but Oro kicks out at two. Oro rolls Page up for two. He hits a loud DDT and a spinning heel kick in the corner, but Page falls by the ropes with his leg under the bottom rope. The crowd chants 'ref you suck' because he noticed that the leg was under the ropes. Mensah goes to the outside for a springboard move but he trips. Page lands a big boot and the Ego's Edge for the win.
Result - Ethan Page defeats Oro Mensah by pin.

01:01 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Page motions for people near the announce table to move, but Oro prevents the dangerous superplex. Mensah hits a flipkick before landing a Suicide Dive in front of the announce table. Oro hits a flipping kick for a near fall. Mensah hits a springboard dropkick that sends Page out of the ring. He hits a dropkick through the ropes, sending Page further up the entrance ramp. The two fight near the picnic tables set up for the cookout. Page drops Oro on top of one of the picnic tables. He then puts Oro through the table after an Ego's Edge.

00:58 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Page hits a pop-up power slam after landing a dropkick as Mensah goes for a springboard moonsault. Instead of saying "Precision Tactician" again, Booker calls Page a "surgeon" in the ring. Oro counters a butterfly suplex attempt. He lands some weak-looking punches before hitting elbows and an Axe Kick for two.

00:53 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Oro lands a chop but Page decks him in the face. He lands a few of his own chops but Oro fights back. Oro tries to roll Page up but the Champ stops it and gets a two count. Oro drops Page to the outside and he recovers by his title as Lash Legend is loud and Jakara stands there doing nothing.

00:51 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Page chops Mensah's chest with a chop that would make Gunther proud. Mensah fights back with headscissors and a Soccer Kick for a one count.

00:47 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

An interviewer talks to Pete Dunne as he's trying to leave. He says that if Trick can't figure it out and isn't ready to challenge for the title, he is. Trick then sucker punches Dunne and the two have to be pulled apart.

00:46 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

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00:42 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Wendy Choo hands Paxley the Barbie Doll but she then grabs her down by the neck. Jordan runs over to look strangely at Choo and not do anything. Backstage, Wren Sinclair is asking where Tavion Heights is because he lost to Tony D last week. Wren thinks they disappeared him like Damon Kemp. Tony D comes in to say that if Wren beats Kendal Grey tonight, he'll give Dempsey a Heritage Cup match. Wren then waits for Dempsey to answer, and he does so softly. Myles Borne makes a joke saying that 'he's not the only one who can't hear Dempsey.' Oba Femi storms by and Axiom arrives after Frazer tried to reach him via phone.

00:38 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Jordan hits a few moves while still nursing her knee. She goes for a handspring move but crumbles under the wait. Paxley goes for her finisher but Jordan counters into a two count. She goes for a moonsault off the top but Paxley moves. Paxley hits a 450 Splash for a near fall. Tatum lines Jordan up for her finisher again but Jordan counters out of it. Paxley climbs to the top again but Jordan meets her this time. She hits a Spanish Fly off the top followed by a Frog Splash for the win.
Result - Kelani Jordan defeats Tatum Paxley by pin.

00:36 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Paxley has Jordan wrapped up like a pretzel in the ring. She continues to work on Jordan's knee after hitting that chop block. Kelani grabs Paxley's heel for some reason but the competitors then hit dueling facebusters. Wendy Choo then wanders out by the ring to pick up the barbie doll.

00:31 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Paxley takes a second to admire the belt instead of delivering more offense. Paxley ducks a kick attempt but Jordan lands a leg drop instead. Paxley leaves the ring after the move and Jordan gives chase. She hits a spinning Pescado on the outside. Tatum then climbs under the ring and Kelani finds the barbie doll Paxley was playing with. Paxley creeps out the other side and hits a chop block on Jordan's knee.

00:29 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Toxic Distraction (Jacy Jayne, Jazmyn Nyx, and Fallon Henley) are shown watching the match backstage. Wendy Choo creeps around in the background.

00:26 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Backstage, Ethan Page is talking to an official about an ice bath. Nathan Frazer rushes in to wish him luck but Page takes exception because Axiom got pinned by one of the Rascalz. Page tells Frazer to worry more about Axiom instead of his business. Up next is Tatum Paxley taking on Kelani Jordan.

00:24 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

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00:21 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

We go to footage from earlier today at the cookout. Lexis King is playing some rock music that sounds like what non-rock fans would play. Everyone says they want Eddy Thorpe to be the DJ (villains) instead of King. Hank and Tank tell King to beat it. How is he the bad guy in that situation???? Rock Music is the most underappreciated genre that is consistently overlooked!!!! EDM is just noise.

00:19 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Dunne hits a powerbomb before stomping on Trick's face. Trick jumps up with Dunne still holding his arms. He blasts Dunne with some punches until the ref steps in. Dunne then slaps Williams' chest but Trick fires back with stomps in the corner. Dunne twists Trick's digits, and Trick tries to shrug it off by rushing Dunne in the corner. Dunne evades the advance and hits the Bitter End for the shocking win.
Result - Pete Dunne defeats Trick Williams by pin.

00:16 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

Trick hits a few kicks and a flapjack before kipping up. He goes for the Trick shot, but Dunne counters out. Williams counters with a Uranage. Dunne responds with a kick to Trick's head. Dunne goes to the top but Williams hits an avalanche Flapjack for a near fall. Dunne hits an enzuigiri but Trick fires back with a big boot.

00:13 (GMT)7 AUG 2024

A chopfest ensues in the middle of the ring. Dunne goes for a moonsault but Trick anticipates it by running behind him and hitting a cutter. Dunne is in control through the commercial break. He bashes Trick's face with forearms. Booker is actually giving one of Trick's opponent's props, calling Dunne a "leader" and not a follower.
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