Jason Whitlock rants against Joe Burrow pushing "sexuality envelope" at Vogue's Paris show

Vogue World: Paris - Show
Jason Whitlock rants against Joe Burrow pushing "sexuality envelope" at Vogue's Paris show

Jason Whitlock went on a rant against Joe Burrow, following the Bengals quarterback's appearance in Vogue's Paris show rocking a black suit that was also backless. It was a unique sartorial choice and Whitlock believes it made him effeminate. The commentator was severely agitated by what he saw, and responded: (Start at 10:41)

"Have you all seen this? Joe Burrow walking a runway in Paris, a backless suit. They've dressed this man up like a woman. They've dressed this man up like a woman. Look at that outfit from behind. That is a woman's outfit. And the quarterback of the Cincinnati Bengals is one of the biggest stars in the NFL."

For reference, this is the Cincinnati star's look on the runway at Vogue's Paris show.

Jason Whitlock further blasted Joe Burrow, and men in general, for refusing to be satisfied with what they have and wanting more attention. He continued by saying, (Start at 11:29)

""Yeah, sign me up. I'll do that. I'll fly over to Paris and let you all parade me around as a woman." When will men ever be satisfied? And not, "oh, I got to have more attention." I've got to do more "Hey, look at me" stuff. More, more, more, more."

The commentator then implored men to stop pushing "the sexuality envelope" and be satisfied with being a popular football player and making a lot of money. (Start at 12:12)

"When do men say, "You know what? I'm good. I'm a football player. I make a lot of money. I'm going to stay in my lane. I'm not the guy that needs to push the sexual identity, the sexuality envelope.""

Jason Whitlock blasts Joe Burrow, but OK with other footballers straying from their lanes

Jason Whitlock had a different reaction when other players did things that he purportedly agreed with. For example, he was enthusiastically supporting Harrison Butker's comments when he gave the speech at Benedictine College, and pushing back against those critical of it. For example, in a post on X, he wrote,

"This woman was present during Harrison Butker’s speech, and apparently it ruined her graduation experience. The man never said you’re nothing but a homemaker. He said hopefully you’ll realize that it’s your highest calling," Whitlock wrote.

The commentator also had a different reaction when Aaron Rodgers was pushing alternate COVID vaccine theories, and took a jab at Shannon Sharpe in the process,

"Shannon Sharpe paints Aaron Rodgers as a "conspiracy theorist." The vaxxed still holding a grudge against the unvaxxed. Let it go. You folded. Rodgers didn't," Whitlock wrote.

He might take issue with Joe Burrow not staying in his lane but certainly not all footballers.

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