Potential cover art for Madden 23 featuring John Madden spotted in Ohio 

A fan taking a picture at the service held in Oakland for NFL Hall of Fame head coach John Madden
A fan taking a picture at the service held in Oakland for NFL Hall of Fame head coach John Madden

John Madden is arguably one of the most iconic figures to grace the NFL. A Super Bowl-winning head coach with the Oakland Raiders, his contribution to the sport far transcended beyond the gridiron.

Known for changing the face of football broadcasting forever with his youthful and exuberant commentary, the NFL Hall of Famer's death earlier last year left an unfathomable void in the community.


For younger football fans, though, the name of the legendary icon is, perhaps, synonymous with their favorite video game franchise, Madden NFL. The broadcaster transcended into the world of gaming with his iconic commentary featuring since the game's first ever edition.

Over the years, the gaming franchise has grown from strength to strength and established itself as one of the most recognizable video games on the face of the earth. And with the release of Madden 23 now just around the corner, one NFL fan seems to have bumped into the potential covert art for the game's latest installment.

While EA Sports, the developers of the game, are yet to confirm anything about the cover, it is rumored that a special edition in memory of the head coach will be released for the 2023 installment of the game.

The one mistake that cost John Madden millions

The NFL icon was known for never holding back on how he truly felt. So it came as no surprise when he sat down with ESPN and rued, perhaps, the biggest mistake of his life.


According to the report, after "John Madden Football" was released in 1988, Trip Hawkins, founder of EA Sports, approached the legendary head coach about taking on a share of the franchise. The initial price he'd have to pay was roughly $7.50 per share. The former Raiders head coach declined the offer and said:

"Hell, I'm just a football coach. I pointed with my finger, all knowing, and said, 'I gave you my time. I'm not giving you my money.' I showed him!"

This proved to be a big mistake, as in only a decade, the price rose by almost 10 fold to $70 per share. He had then said:

"That was the dumbest thing I ever did in my life."

Right now, the video game franchise is reportedly worth a whopping $4 billion. The Raiders head coach lived a life full of success and admiration. But this decision is one he, perhaps, ended up regretting for the rest of his life.

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Edited by Windy Goodloe
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