Who is Tommy DeVito's agent, Sean Stellato? Meet 'Godfather of agents' who went viral at Packers-Giants

Who is Tommy DeVito
Who is Tommy DeVito's agent, Sean Stellato? Meet 'Godfather of agents' who went viral at Packers-Giants

Tommy DeVito's agent, Sean Stellato, went viral on Monday night, with his outfit sending the internet into a frenzy. Stellato wore a black pinstripe suit, a black hat, and a gold bracelet on his wrist.

The camera panned to Tommy DeVito's agent during the third quarter as DeVito made a 26-yard touchdown pass. Following the touchdown, Stellato kissed Tommy Devito’s father Tom's cheek, which promoted ESPN’s Joe Buck to state that the agent “may break the internet.” Buck was spot on with that one.

Who is Sean Stellato?

Sean Stellato started his love story with American football in High School, as he starred for Salem High School in the early 1990s. Upon his graduation, Stellato enrolled at Marist College, where he played both football and basketball.

However, Stellato couldn't replicate his High School form in college, as he averaged 0.4 points per game in 21 appearances with Marita's men's basketball team. He did perform better on the Gridiron, starting games as a wide receiver. After leaving college, Stellato played in the Arena Football League for two years before wrapping up his professional football career.

Upon ending his professional football career, Stellato became a registered agent of Italian-American descent. He runs a multi-client agency named SES Sports, and his clients include players like DeVito, Joe Vellano, and Alfred Morris.

Sean Stellato is helmed as the "Godfather of agents" due to his Italian style and demeanor during NFL games. In the words - "Sean is always in my corner and will do whatever it takes to help me with my career on and off the field. He is the Italian Stallion of sports agents."

Stellato has earned his stripes as a sports agent and will be inducted into the National Italian-American Sports Hall of Fame this week in Chicago.

How is Sean Stellato's client, Tommy DeVito, performing this season?

Tommy DeVito is Sean Stellato's most famous client, with the New York Giants quarterback on a hot streak. DeVito has led the Giants to three straight victories with the most recent being against the Green Bay Packers on Monday Night Football. He's currently a significant reason why the Giants have an outside chance of making the playoffs.

A reason for DeVito's fame is his story, as he went from being a virtual unknown to a local hero in a month. DeVito started the year as an undrafted free agent guiding his hometown team to surprising success. DeVito even has his Italian-tinged nickname. Giants' fans call him "Tommy Cutlets" due to his comment about living with his parents while starting for the Giants and being of Italian heritage.

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Edited by Diptanil
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