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  • WWE NXT Live results, recap, and grades: RICKY SAINTS officially joins NXT on a chaotic night! MOOSE and THE HARDYS cross the line!

WWE NXT Live results, recap, and grades: RICKY SAINTS officially joins NXT on a chaotic night! MOOSE and THE HARDYS cross the line!

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedFeb 19, 2025 03:08 GMT

Follow along with Sportskeeda for all the fallout from NXT Vengeance Day!! The mysterious attackers may show up again! Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson battle Sol Ruca and Zaria! Ricky Starks signs his NXT contract! Jaida Parker, Kelani Jordan, and Karmen Petrovic battle for a shot at new NXT Women's North American Champion Stephanie Vaquer! And more!


03:08 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

KARMEN PETROVIC defeats Jaida Parker and Kelani Jordan by pin.
ZARIA and SOL RUCA defeat Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson by pin.
SHAWN SPEARS defeats Stacks Lorenzo by pin.
EDDY THORPE defeats Andre Chase by pin.
JORDYNNE GRACE, GIULIA, and STEPHANIE VAQUER defeat Fatal Influence (Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne, and Jazmyn Nyx) by pin.

03:05 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

It's only a matter of time before this trio implodes . . . .

03:04 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Grace makes it look so effortless . . .

03:02 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

After the main event, we see the Shield 2.0 walking away from the building. The camera pans to show Mr. Stone on the ground and Ava rushing in to ask what happened. "No One Is Safe" is painted on the walls.

03:01 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Henley hits Vaquer with a toss. Giulia drops Henley. Jacy tries to intervene but gets dropped with a belly-to-side suplex. She goes for more offense on the outside but Jacy and Fallon trip her. Vaquer hits a splash on the outside, leaving Nyx with Grace. Grace easily overpowers Nyx to hit the Grace Driver for the win.
Result - Jordynne Grace, Giulia, and Stephanie Vquer defeat Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley, and Jazmyn Nyx) by pin.

Everyone hit their spots but Nyx is still the greenest, and it shows. That's to be expected since the other five women have been wrestling for years. While the outcome was never in doubt, Henley and Jayne looked like they belonged in the ring with the three Superstars. Grace eyeballing both titles as Giluia and Vaquer held them up was a nice touch.

02:57 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Grace tags in and cleans house. She slams all three women and tosses Nyx and Jayne with ease before decking Fallon. Grace hits a Muscle Buster on Jayne while sending Nyx to the mat. Jayne kicks out. She goes for a Vader Bomb but Fallon interrupts her. Jacy hits a big knee for a close call. Fallon hits a springboard Blockbuster but Vaquer and Giulia break up the pin. 

02:55 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Jacy keeps Vaquer grounded off the commercial break. She hits a kick but Jacy recovers with a neckbreaker. Nyx tags in to hit a sweep on Vaquer. They each land one more kick each before Henley hits a facebuster for a near fall. Dueling fists leave both women on the mat.

02:50 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Vaquer tags in and kicks Jayne in the face. Jacy hits a move but then gets slammed into the mat trapped between Vaquer's legs. She goes for a 619 but Fallon grabs her legs to give Jacy control of the match.

02:49 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Grace hoists Nyx onto her shoulders but Jacy and Fallon run in to stop it from happening. Vaquer and Giulia run in to even the odds. They team up on Jayne in the ring before sending her to the outside with her teammates. The Juggernaut hits a Suicide Dive on Fatal Influence.

02:48 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Fallon stars with Vaquer. Jazmyn Nyx tags in but gets hit with Eat Defeat. Giulia tags in and plays with Nyx. She decks Nyx and dares her to return fire. Giulia hits a suplex for a near fall before tagging Jordynne Grace in. Grace hits Nyx with an Alabama Slam and a German Suplex before daring Jacy Jayne to get in the ring.

02:39 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Time for the main event as Stephanie Vaquer, Jordynne Grace, and Giulia take on Fatal Influence.

02:37 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Saints and Page jaw jack until Wes Lee joins in. They're both mad with Saints. Je'Von Evans then runs in and Ava books a tag match for next week. The Hardys then accept NQCC's challenge for next week's show.

02:33 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

King's going Moose hunting next week!!

02:32 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Trick Williams then appears on the big screen to say it's not over until he says it's over. Of course, he'll get his win back in an NXT Underground match.

02:31 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Chase counters a move and hits a suplex. Connors and Dixon come down to the ring area to cheer Chase on. He hits a Side Effect for a near fall. He hits the Side Russian Leg Sweep but only yells the "C" of Chase U for the stomp before stopping. Thorpe chops him at his knee before hitting an Impaler DDT for the win.
Result - Eddy Thorpe defeats Andre Chase by pin.

Nothing big or special about the match. It was to continue the descent of Chase while also giving Thorpe a win.  

02:28 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Chase hits a chop and headscissors before hitting a kick on the outside. Eddy fights back with a kick. As he gets up, Dixon and Connors show up in the crowd with Chase U shirts.

02:20 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Lexis King calls Moose out backstage. He says it's not fair that NXT stars are putting their titles on the line but the TNA stars aren't doing the same. He challenges Moose and Moose accepts a match for next week in Cincinnati. We pivot to Kale Dixon and Uriah Connors trying to hype Mr. Chase up for his match with Eddy Thorpe.

02:19 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Stacks drops Spears with a Spinebuster. He climbs to the top and hits a dropkick. Spears counters into a shoulder buster before hitting the C4 driver for the win.
Result - Shawn Spears defeats Stacks Lorenzo by pin.

It was a short match and nothing special, but after all the chaos, it made some sense to have a short match.

02:17 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Soul snatched!

02:14 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Stacks rushes Spears before letting the bell ring. Booker brings up that Tony D got played, and he did. Stacks hits a boot for a one count. Spears blasts Stacks with a big kick before hitting a Randy Orton-draped DDT off the middle rope. 

02:12 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Backstage, Ricky Saint walks into what appears to be a tornado of downed tag teams. It musta been the Shield 2.0.

02:09 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Hey man, aren't you glad you're actually getting used on TV???

02:07 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Sarah tries to interview FrAxiom as they try to address the mysterious attackers from Vengeance Day. NQCC interrupts them to call out the Hardys for a shot at the TNA Tag Team Championship on next week's show!

02:06 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Right before he's about to sign, Wes Lee comes out. He says he's giving Starks a pass for cutting him off. He says the top rule is you don't disrespect Wes Lee. He also wants to be the first opponent. Starks says they'll throw it down next week. He goes to sign his deal, but Lee tries to deck him. Starks signs the deal after sending Lee over the top rope. His name is... Ricky Saints.

02:03 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Page says that even Starks won't be able to reach the level he set for people coming into NXT. Starks reminds him that Je'Von Evans has that dog in him, and he'll come back around for Page. As he turns his back, Evans blindsides him, and the two fight in the crowd. 

02:02 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Page is wearing a purple suit jacket. He says he's impressed because Starks "shocked the world" by showing up in NXT. He then brings up how a guaranteed title shot is probably lined up in the deal but then says he's following the Ethan Page playbook to a T. They agree that the spotlight isn't big enough for the both of them. 

02:00 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Ava welcomes him, and he thanks her. He wants to talk to the fans before signing his deal. He says making it to NXT is his reality, not a dream. He wants to main-event every PLE and win the NXT Title. All Ego Ethan Page comes out. AEW reunion!

01:58 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Starks comes out with a random "Official Contract Signing" graphic on the Tron since they won't SAY HIS NAME!!!

01:58 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Up next is the contract signing for Ricky Starks. Ava comes out with the contract. Wes Lee is gonna interrupt.

01:55 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Welp, Fatal Influence had the upper hand for a few minutes, but it happened during ads.

01:54 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Sarah Schreiber interviews Wes Lee after the match. He says anything can happen in NXT, especially when people are showing up out of the blue. As he tries to say more, Ricky Starks walks by, and Sarah immediately abandons her interview with Lee. Starks says it's great to hear "WWE NXT contract" before complimenting Sarah on her jacket.

01:53 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Be mad at yo self, Ms. Parker . . .

01:52 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Petrovic takes advantage of Jaida Parker's need to celebrate.

01:51 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Jakara hits a DDT on Zaria but only gets two. Lash tags in, and the Meta Girls set up their finisher. Zaria counters out and decks Lash. Lash returns fire. Each woman goes for a pump kick but knocks the other down. The powerhouses both go for chokeslams, but nothing happens. SOl and Jakara tag in, but Zaria tosses Jackson into Lash. She then blasts Jackson with a Spear before Sol adds a Sol Snatcher for the win.
Result - Zaria and Sol Ruca defeat Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson by pin.

A better offering than the opening match, which is a testament to how far Lash and Jakara have come. The powerhouse showdowns were good, and the teams meshed well with each other.

01:48 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Lash runs into Jakara, allowing Zaria to land a Spear on Lash. She hits a suplex but Jakara kicks out. Sol tags in but Jakara hits Zaria with a neckbreaker. Zaria and Lash break up a pin attempt after a tandem move from Sol and Zaria. Lash goes for a chokeslam but Sol counter outs and hits a Hurricanrana. She goes for the Sol Snatcher but Lash grabs her leg. She catches her and goes for a move but Ruca counters out. Zaria and Jakara tag in.

01:41 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Sol and Lash match counters until Jakara comes in. They hit a few moves on Sol for a near fall. Ruca hits a suplex and a flip into a pin attempt. Zaria comes in and they hit a suplex on Jackson for two. Zaria hoists Jackson on her shoulders but Lash runs in randomly to pull her off Zaria's shoulders. All four rush the ring and Zarian and Lash slam the smaller opponents. Ruca sends Lash over the top with a Hurricanrana. Jackson lands a dropkick off the top on Zaria. She then nearly misses hitting a Suicide Dive but lands it.

01:38 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Up next is Zaria and Sol Ruca battling Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson.

01:36 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Stacks is getting ready for his match backstage. Rizzo and Luca ask him if he's doing the right thing. He says he's stepping up while The Don is out of commission. He also hasn't been in touch with The Family.

01:35 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Grace claims she came to NXT for the best women's division in wrestling but she doesn't want to wait to fight. She challenges Fatal Influence to a six-woman tag match tonight.

01:34 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Stephanie Vaquer comes out after Karmen is nearly dead. Giulia follows suit and Fatal Influence beats them both down. Jordynne Grace predictably comes out to save the Champs.

01:33 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Fallon Henley says something during the break but we cannot hear it since THEY'RE ON COMMERCIAL!!!

01:32 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

JParker grabs Karmen after the match and is mad, but she should be mad at herself for wasting time. She and Jordan fight to the back. Fatal Influence rushes the ring after the wing and beats Petrovic down, even during the commercial break.

01:31 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Parker sends Kelani to the outside with a hip check. Karmen stops her momentum but gets sat down on by Parker. Parker highsteps instead of pinning her and Jordan tries to take advantage. Adonis pulls Karmen out of harm's way. Parker hits Jordan with a Superplex before doing her sit-down move on Jordan. Again, she wastes time high stepping and admiring her work instead of pinning Jordan. Petrovic sneaks in and rolls Jordan up for the surprise win.
Result - Karmen Petrovic defeats Jaida Parker and Kelani Jordan by pin

The early stages were extremely sloppy with Parker missing spots or missing the timing. Things picked up and the women meshed better as it went on. Parker looks foolish for her need to celebrate after hitting a move, but it serves her right. Petrovic isn't going to beat Vaquer, so her winning, while a surprise, was the right call.

01:27 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

All three women trade moves with Jordan hitting a side Russian Leg Sweep variant on Parker. She puts Parker on the top buckle but Petrovic neutralizes her before she does more damage. She then puts Jordan on the top buckle before doing Trish Stratus's headstand move to pull both women off the top.  

01:26 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Vic mentions that this is the first triple threat for all three women. Parker hits an inverted suplex on Jordan. Petrovic doesn't let her build momentum, hitting a short headbuster with a Hurricanrana. Jorda hits Karmen with a springboard legdrop. She hits Parker with a legdrop variant but only gets a two-count. Parker dumps Karmen but sets up under Kelani, who breaks up the pin with a splash.

01:21 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

The Ruler vs. Moose!

01:20 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Jordan tosses Karmen into the barricade, leaving herself and Parker in the ring. They trade punches. Parker hits a few suplexes.

01:18 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Jordan and Parker rush each other early on. Jaida's adopted a variant of Zack Ryder's one-legged pants. Things are sloppy early on. Kelani hits a moonsault on the outside, dropping both women. 

01:16 (GMT)19 FEB 2025

Ava and Eddy Thorpe are "having" a conversation but Ava isn't hearing anything about what he's saying. He is clamoring for a bigger opportunity since he beat Trick Williams at Vengeance Day. She doesn't think it means anything, saying he's already had so many opportunities. Uriah Connors and Kale Dixon come in to invite both to a party, but they both decline. It leads to Dixon and Connors booking a match for Mr. Chase against Thorpe.
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