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  • WWE NXT Roadblock Live Results, Reactions and Grades: SHOCKING TITLE CHANGE IN ROADBLOCK MAIN EVENT!!!!

WWE NXT Roadblock Live Results, Reactions and Grades: SHOCKING TITLE CHANGE IN ROADBLOCK MAIN EVENT!!!!

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedMar 12, 2025 02:13 GMT

Follow along with Sportskeeda's coverage of WWE NXT Roadblock at 8 pm EST. Several massive matches are planned, including Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia battling to become double champions! Oba Femi defends the NXT title against Moose! The Hardyz defend the TNA Tag Team titles against FrAxiom. Jordynne Grace tangles with Roxanne Perez, and more!


02:13 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Ladies and gentlemen, your new NXT Women's Champ (and Women's North American Champ) Stephanie Vaquer!

02:11 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

THE HARDYZ defeat FrAxiom by pin.
JORDYNNE GRACE defeats Roxanne Perez by pin.
OBA FEMI defeats Moose by pin
JE'VON EVANS defeats Ethan Page by pin.
STEPHANIE VAQUER defeats Giulia by pin.

02:09 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

It took three finishers but we have a double champ!

02:07 (GMT)12 MAR 2025


The NXT title, street fight, and Title for Title matches stole the show. Perez and Grace were just a notch below but the outcome was a bit predicatable since Perez is likely on her way to the main roster and Grace just officially arrived this year. The post-match attack of Evans was a nice surprise. Since Evans got his win back this week, it's very likely Trick Williams does the same next week. Overall, an impressive and enjoyable night of action without any rambling promos.

02:01 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

The big question now is:

Does Vaquer continue as a double champ or do they put the North American title up for grabs in another ladder match at Stand & Deliver?? Or does Ava pull a move from her father's book and take one of the titles????

02:00 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Vaquer goes for Spinal Tap (a spinning corkscrew splash off the top) but Giulia moves and counters with a Chicken Wing/Crossface submission. Vaquer breaks it and gets hit with a big knee for anotehr two-count. Giulia goes for her Northern Lights Bomb bu Vaquer counters out. She hits the SVP two more times to pick up the massive victory AND both titles!!!
Result - Stephanie Vaquer defeats Giulia by pin.

If Giulia was hurt, it didn't show much during the match. If there's a finisher that needs to be delivered mulitple times to have more impact, it's Vaquer's. As expected, the women meshed well and are familiar with each other, so having a great showdown wasn't a shocker. 

01:56 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Vaquer climbs to the top but Giulia meets her to hit a gut-wrench superplex off the top. Stephanie lands a side kick but Giulia hits a slam. She adds a spinning driver for a near fall. The Japanese star goes for her finisher but Vaquer blocks it. She hits her opponent with a Dragon Leg Screw off the top before hitting her finisher. Giulia kicks out at two.

01:54 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

The Beautiful Madness is in charge off the ads, hitting a neckbreaker on the outside during the break. Vaquer fights back with a boot to the face and Meteora in the corner. She then slams Giulia's head into the mat 10 times whilst it's trapped between her legs. The crowd then chants for Booker T since he loves to chant along when Vaquer does the move.

01:50 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Both women trade counters and pin attempts until Vaquer locks in a kneebar. It's broken when both women roll out of the ring. Giulia lands a Missile Dropkick off the top. She rushes her opponent but Vaquer sends her to the outside. La Primera lands a springboard crossbody to the outside as we take out final commercial break.

01:48 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

The friends start off with a handshake before rushing to the center of the ring. The women trade strikes until Giulia drops Vaquer with a forearm. 

01:46 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Giulia should be called Bluelia tonight . . .

01:45 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Main Event time as Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia battle it out to leave Roadblock with both the NXT Women's and Women's North American Champoinships.

01:37 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Sarah Schreiber interviews Eddy Thorpe in the crowd, but the boos are very loud. He says he's been in the ring with Trick and Trick doesn't like getting hit. After saying Trick will choke like the New York Knicks, Williams blindsides Eddy from behind. 

01:35 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Each of Shawn Spears' cronies says a few lines in a pre-taped vignette. They call themselves "the Culling" after Spears won the North American title from Tony D'Angelo last week. He says next week, his allies will take the Family's "hearts."

01:32 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Je'Von!!!!! Set the table!!!!!!

01:30 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

After the win, the Shield 2.0 shows up in the crowd and then jumps Evans in the ring. They hit The Bouncy One with a four-man power bomb. 

01:29 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Evans then gets back in the ring just to fly over the top rope again and into Page, sending both men over the announce table. Je'Von hits a Corkscrew Splash off the top, but All Ego kicks out. He then traps Page neck-first in a chair, but Page stands up and tosses a chair at Evans. Evans then counters a move to land a cutter on top of the chair. He lands yet another cutter with Page's head trapped in the chair to get his win back.
Result - Je'Von Evans defeats Ethan Page by pin.

Again, both men brought their best and hit some impressive spots, including the cutter over the rope and through the table and the spot with Page pulling Evans off the top and onto both chairs.

01:26 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Evans hits a move off the top as NXT returns from commercials. He goes for another springboard move but gets decked in the chin. Page hits the Ego's Edge, but Evans kicks out. Evans lands a series of some of the ugliest punches that would make Shane McMahon look like a seasoned strike. Page recovers and brandishes a chair, but Evans kicks it into All Ego's face. Evans hits a Cutter over the ropes and through a table set up in front of the announce table.

01:24 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

He who sets up a table or chair goes through it . . .

01:20 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Evans sets a table up in the corner. He hits a Superkick. Both men hit each other with a kick at the same time and smash chairs together. Evans hits a move onto the steel chairs for a two-count. Je'Von sets up two chairs to line Page up for a Piledriver but All Ego stops the move. He then pulls Evans off the top buckle and onto both chairs for two. He adds a powerslam through the table in the corner for another close call.

01:17 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

All Ego sends Evans into the steel steps. Je'Von uses the weapon first, blasting Page with the chair before setting it up for more carnage. He tries to hoist Page up but the veteran prevents it. Both men stop before running into a steel chair set up the corner but Evans kicks Page's face into it. He hits a rope-assisted Hurricanrana for a two-count. 

01:15 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Both men come dressed in big boy clothes. Page kicks Evans in the face off the bell. He adds a back elbow. Evans hits the Suicide Dive that is required in every wrestling match since 2020. He continues the assault with Page atop steel steps. He grabs a chair, but Page moves out of the path of destruction.

01:09 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

The Ruler overtakes the big game!

01:07 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

After Sol Ruca took Zaria to the beach for sun and fun, Zaria takes Sol to a rage room where they bash bottles and tires. They also go axe throwing and do a Shoey. We then pivot to Fallon Henley asking Ava why she hasn't received her rematch for the North American Title. 

Ricky Saints then walks up again to ask why everyone is so angry. He works his way into a match against Ridge Holland next week. Ethan Page comes over to say that NXT "doesn't like outsiders like you, Saints."

01:05 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Moose hits a soft spear for a near fall. He lines Femi up for another one but gets dropped by a pop-up power bomb (The Fall From Grace) for the win.
Result - Oba Femi defeats Moose by pin.

Definitely a better match than I was expecting. Moose is best when he wrestles and doesn't talk. The two men matched each other's power and meshed well togther.

01:03 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Moose goes for another power bomb but Oba just tosses his opponent over the top rope and to the floor in front of the announce desk. Moose beats the 10 count but ends up back on the outside when both men go over the top rope. Moose sends Oba into the ringpost and through the announce table after a Uranage.

01:01 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Moose hits a Superplex but Femi bounces up to land a suplex of his own off the bounce. Both men trade punches and boots but refuse to back down. Femi drops Moose with a big Lariat. He goes for his finisher but Moose counters into a power bomb.

00:59 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

The competitors trade uppercuts. Moose hits a big boot but gets blasted by Femi when attempting a reverse crossbody. Femi hits a Jackhammer variant for a near fall. A random dueling "Let's Go Cena! Cena Sucks!" chant breaks out briefly. 

00:57 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Oba hits a move that sends Moose out of the ring. The Ruler of NXT gives chase but is sent into steel steps off a reversal.

00:53 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Femi knocks Moose of his feet first but Moose gets up quickly to send the Champ over the top rope. Oba drops Moose on the apron with a thunderous chop to the chest. Moose drops Femi but Femi recovers quickly to drop Moose on the ring apron with a Uranage.

00:41 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Gone Fishin'!

00:40 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Oba Femi heads out for his title match with Moose, but he stops to see . . . The Undertaker looking on. Taker says he's impressed and that Femi has to go out there and defend his yard. The two bump fists.

00:39 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Roxy counters out of a Fireman's Carry to hit a Superkick and short Hurricanrana before landing a Frog Splash for a near fall. She immediately counters into a Crossface with a fish hook. Grace rolls Roxy up to break the move. Grace hits a spnning back elbow and a Death Valley Driver. She lands the Juggernaut Driver for the win.
Result - Jordynne Grace defeats Roxanne Perez by pin.

It was hard to tell if Grace was overselling or actually slipped on the ropes. The women have good chemistery and put on another good showing for the women's division. Perez working on Grace's legs shows she's a cerebral star, but sometimes that cannot overcome sheer power.

00:36 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

The rivals trade strikes off the commercial break but Grace slams Perez. Roxy tries to land strikes on Grace's knees/legs. Jordynne counters into a package powerbomb for two. The Juggernaut goes for a Muscle Buster but Perez delays it. She jumps off the top but is caught by Grace. Grace tries to pick her up but buckles under her knees. 

00:30 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Roxy goes for another strike but Grace catches and slams her down. Grace goes up for a move but her knee buckles under the pressure. Perez continues to work on Grace's legs.

00:29 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Grace kicks out at one after Roxy hits a few signature moves like an uppercut and side leg sweep. The Prodigy continues to work on Grace's lower body. She goes for a pin attempt but Grace quickly counters into a choke. Perez counters into a kneebar.

00:28 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Roxy rolls out of the ring, forcing Grace to chase her. The Juggernaut hits a reverse slam and a Spinebuster for two. Grace hipchecks Roxy off the ring apron. She goes for a move through the ropes but Perez catches her and stretches her leg. She slams it against the steel steps before rolling back into the ring.

00:25 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Before the next match, Stacks blames himself for Tony D losing the North American title last week. Tony D comes in to say that emotion is a sign of weakness. Stacks says he got a six-person match for next week but The Don isn't involved. He eventually signs off.

00:22 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Hardys win! Hardys win!

00:21 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

And Still TNA Tag Team Champs . . .

00:21 (GMT)12 MAR 2025


00:19 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Mickie James and Jaida Parker have a backstage convo, with Mickie propping Jaida up. Up next is Roxanne Perez battling Jordynne Grace again. Perez defeated Grace when both were champions of their respective brands.

00:18 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Jeff hits a Whisper in the Wind on FrAxiom before hitting a Twist of Fate on Frazer for an extremely close call. Frazer eats feet when jumping off the top. Axiom tags in and hits Jeff with a backslide pin followed by a knee. Jeff pulls Frazer into Axiom's path, causing him to hit his partner with a stomp off the top. Jeff hits a Swanton Bomb off the top for the win.
Result - The Hardyz defeat FrAxiom by pin.

I thought the Hardyz would have trouble keeping up with the breakneck speed of FrAxiom, but they hung with the much younger stars. It wasn't one of the NXT Champion's best matches but was pretty good for an opener.

00:14 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Jeff hits a Twist of Fate and Matt adds a neckbreaker as Axiom bounces into his orbit. Matt goes for a Twist of Fate of his own but Axiom shoves him into Jeff, who is on the top buckle. Frazer tags in after Axiom hits a top-rope Spanish Fly. Frazer hits the Phoenix Splash but Matt busts up the pin attempt to save his gold.

00:13 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Jeff and Axiom come in for their teams. Jeff hits some vintage offense on the masked star before tossing Frazer out of the ring. Axiom catches him sleeping and locks in an armbar for a two-count. Jeff hits a facebuster but Frazer breaks up the pin. Matt catches Frazer as he goes for another Suicide Dive. He dumps him with a Side Effect.

00:07 (GMT)12 MAR 2025

Matt hits a swinging powerbomb for a near fall before tagging Jeff in. The Hardyz get another near fall off some tandem offense. Frazer gets a blind tag and helps take out Matt. Jeff comes in but gets tossed out of the ring. Frazer and Axiom hit Suicide Dives before Frazer lands a Tope Con Giro. Axiom adds a Golden Ratio Moonsault. 
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